How To Get Laid Without Even Trying

Nov 23, 2009 11:06

Pairing: Ennis/Jack
Word Count: 100 Word Drabble
Genre: AU
Author’s Note: I wrote this entry for the Brokeback Drabbles, Shorts and Challenges Contest back in May. Chocolate was the beverage of choice.
Disclaimer: No marshmallow survived the writing process.
Dedication: For Donna gwylliondream“Just because you ( Read more... )

au, forever9218, drabbles, how to get laid without even trying

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Comments 32

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forever9218 November 24 2009, 03:13:12 UTC

I agree, Loreen. Jack and Ennis together for 30 years. Ultra sigh. What's not to cherish about that reality? Love, Debra.


luvenck November 23 2009, 19:40:06 UTC
Aaahhhh! it worked! thank-you! I loved this little banter. I know Jack and Ennis are "together forever" and this just proves that Ennis came a long way. Loved it! Hugs, Cat xoxo


forever9218 November 24 2009, 03:14:06 UTC

Thanks so much, Cat. Love, Debra.


How to get laid..... ennis4me November 23 2009, 19:40:53 UTC
So wonderful - and of course, the fact that they've been together for 30 years - always gives me warm fuzzies.

Thanks! Adrianne


Re: How to get laid..... forever9218 November 24 2009, 03:16:57 UTC

Awww. Thank you Adrianne. Warm fuzzies, indeed. Pssst. Don't tell anyone, but the thought kinda curls my toes too! Love, Debra.


gwylliondream November 23 2009, 19:48:57 UTC
OMG!!! I am going to cry! This is my favorite drabble in the WORLD! I even voted for it (instead of my own- duh!) in the Chocolate Challenge!

I can just picture them... Jack with his hands on his hips, trying to get Ennis to play along... the clueless look on Ennis's face about the mixed metaphor! Absolutely priceless.

Oh my, look how far Ennis has come in thirty years that he can verbalize: "What would I have to fork over to get you to put out?”

Put out! I love it!

Thanks a million!



forever9218 November 24 2009, 03:34:56 UTC

Don't cry, friend. This was meant to provoke nothing but happy. Of course, if I compelled myself to think about it for a moment... dammit, woman! You got me welling up with tears too. After all, who can NOT choke up, a bit, at the thought of that sweet life for 30 years. If only....

Ha! You voted against yourself! Now, that's about the highest compliment ever. And, yes. Ennis has come a long way in the verbal department after all their time together. Jack knows how to inspire his man.

Love, Debra.


gj_1980 November 23 2009, 20:18:29 UTC
So cute :) Thanks for that, puts one in a good mood


forever9218 November 24 2009, 03:37:07 UTC

So glad I was able to lift your spirit. Love, Debra.


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