[Terezi has never been the type that listens to others when they say 'don't put strange things in your mouth'. Her ability to taste the colors of everything around her makes almost everything delicious, right down to normally inedible things like chalk, and so the mushrooms don't seem abnormal at all to her. They're purple and white and amazingly
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Naturally. This was the only conclusion that could be reached at the end, with her dangerous ambition leading to her downfall. God Tiers must never be too cocky with their immortality, as it is only given on the condition of good behavior. For all that she did and all that she would do, the clock could only tick and tock away to her end.
[He lets out a quick hum sound and continues.]Which begs the question: why even grieve? You made her pay as you said you would. Yet you wallow in grief despite this. ...Or would you like to know what would happen, in the faraway dark corner of timelines, had you not gone through with your ( ... )
[Not that doing better will get her anywhere, but he doesn't need to tell her that.]
[she stiffens defensively.]
[After all, there is a reason he sought out Vriska over her. A good one.]
Well, I think the time I have for you is up, now that I've made your delusions subside. For good or briefly, is a question I'll leave to your hallucinogenic-induced mind.
That is so helpful of you. Why don't you just go already? [She stiffens.]
Don't turn your back on the body.
[And he'll teleport in a quick green flash without much fanfare, as per usual.]
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