Again, I'm sorry for flooding your f-list.

Dec 29, 2004 02:57

Title: Blankets, Three Pillows and the Remote

Rating: PG -some suggestive words, nothing too bad

Summary: An entire fic of dialogue. What happened when Seth and Summer actually tried to fall asleep?

Disclaimer: I do not own anything.



"Would you stop hogging all the blankets!?"

"Look who's talking! Move over."

"That better be the remote."

" bad. Wait, you didn't think-"

"Just stop right there."

"Stopping. Seriously though, do you think you could give me some more room."

"You have an entire half to yourself."

"Says the person taking up a quarter of my space. You just can't get enough of me, can you?"

"Get real, Cohen."

"I'm just saying. You're not exactly in need of all that space and yet, here you are, invading my portion of this big and oh-so-comfortable mattress."

"You're delusional."

"Am I?"

"That's the only explanation. Give me your pillow."

"No. You have two of your own."

"I need another one. I always sleep with three."

"Too bad, sweet pea."


"Aww, sorry princess, but you won't be getting your way tonight. Don't even try to use that sexy-pout thing on me either. Besides I can barely see you."

"That hasn't stopped you from looking down my nightgown for the last ten minutes."

"I resent that."

"Whatev. Now give me your pillow."

"Not gunna happen, Summer."

"I always get my way. Trust me, if I wanted that pillow bad enough, it would be mine."


"Don't believe me?"

"It's not that I don't believe you--I mean, I'm sure you've wrangled your fair share of pillows--it's just that I think I've developed an immunity to your wily charms on the ride up here."

"Right. Cohen, I could snap your willpower with barely any effort."

"See, it's just that type of overconfidence that repels me back further over onto my side of the bed."

"No, actually that would be because you're sproutin' some wood."

"Actually, that's the remote again."


"What is up with you and your obsession with that part of my anatomy?"

"Obsession? Hardly."

"We've established this already, the only thing hard is the remote."

"Gross. You're such a perv."

"I'm the perv? I'm not the one groping your ass."

"That's your butt? Ugh, I thought it was another pillow."


"I did."

"Okay, I believe you, only pillows are generally not firm...and yet with a slightly appealing give, if I do say so myself."

"Eww. More like bony."

"So you did know you were squeezing my butt."



"Shut up."

"I would, but I'm afraid you'll think I'm asleep and then do naughty things to my body."

"You wish."

"I do, actually."


"Just bein' honest."

"I really hope Chino and Coop are asleep, the last thing I need is for this little conversation we're having to be spread around."

"I'm sure worse things have been spread by you. And what's with you and your nicknames? It's like everyone you've ever met has to have a nickname. Coop, Chino, and who could forget the one you gave me: rabbit's foot. Really?"

"It was better than pervert, which is what I will now refer to you as."

"Doesn't bother me."


"As long as it reminds you of me...and my remote."


"Here, take the pillow."




"No problem. Night, Summer."

"Night, perv."

"Uh...that's still my butt."

"I know."

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