(no subject)

Dec 29, 2004 18:33

ETA -- Someone should write an OC/Scrubs crossover. Yeah, man, it would be great! Ryan could totally bring Seth into the ER and J.D. could give him a "check-up." Does scrubs fic even exist?

Edited again to add that it could so start like this: I wasn’t sure what to expect when I pulled back the curtain and behind it were a pair of teenage boys flat on the bed, groping each other.

“Seth, just stop squirming! It won’t hurt as much if you just stay still.”

"Oh, really, 'cause you're the expert now?"

"You're just going to make it worse. Just... stop moving."

“Easy for you to say, you’re not the one with a snapping turtle attached to your finger.”

How or why the snapping turtle got there, I wasn’t sure.

Or, you know, something like that.

I watch too much TV.

bluestargirl6 prompted me with:
"It was a sign of just how much he'd changed in the last year that he found himself here, alone, of his own volition now." It's very short, but it's slashy! Um, yeah.


It was a sign of just how much he'd changed in the last year that he found himself here, alone, of his own volition now. Seth’s eye was twitching from consuming too much caffeine and his leg was shaking from nerves. It wasn’t that big a deal, except that..., maybe it was. Maybe it was a very big deal because this was the next step before the final step and the final step was what he’d been waiting over a year and a half for. So what if the room kind of smelled and he kind of felt nauseous? He could do this. He hadn’t worked up the courage to tell Ryan how he felt about him and memorized a speech for nothing. He hadn’t rented a cheap motel room and gone to the pharmacy to stock up on lube and condoms for nothing. For once in his life, he was determined not to be afraid of what his heart desperately reminded him, by skipping to an irregular beat, every single time he saw Ryan. For once, he was going to be honest and then prove to Ryan he could be selfless by doing anything he wanted.
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