Oct 25, 2013 02:27
Attempting to quash a negotiation between president Bush and the government of Iraq. (reminded of this due to the republican "letter" to Iran, and the subsequent hype).
Fast and Furious
The IRS tea party persecution
Obamacare website
drone strikes on US citizens, with no due process.
GM bondholders
AP spying
Spying on everyone in america.
Spying on foreign leaders.
threatening journalists that present unflattering views.
Safe schools czar Garrison.
New black panthers
Gun control "under the radar"
"I'll have more flexibility after the election"
gun control by executive order
medical corpse-man.
military sexual assault trials harmed by his statements.
"he'd look like trayvon"
"Cool clock Ahmed"
Eta, oh, and bowing to every one.
true the vote
Eta again
ocare crony website botched rollout
Ocare executive orders
Nevada ranch tourtoise thuggery
Shutdown park service abuses (spending large numbers of dollars to close unstaffed parks)
Iran "deal"
Crimea weakness
"Pen and a Phone"
This is the first administration in history to, time and again, use a BIGGER scandal to draw attention away from a smaller one. Again, and again, and again. It doesn't end. Things that would have been utterly unthinkable under bush are commonplace now.... Fuck, things that would have been unthinkable last *month* are commonplace now.
Is there, in reality, a limit? Cause I am not seeing it.
How many scandals did I miss?
ETA: Massive weakness regarding Ukraine
ETA: Bundy ranch debacle.
ETA: 36,000 illegal immigrant felons released .
ETA: Slacktivism regarding Boko Haram
ETA: VA scandal
ETA: Bergdahl, or, "we negotiate with terrorists and illegally trade multiple terrorists for single deserters now".
Losing Iraq back to Al Qaeda (technically, Isis, an Al Qaeda ally that was too extreme to be part of Al Qaeda ISYK.)
Lerner emails lost by irs.
Massive flood of illegal immigrants "dreamers".
Incompetent handling of ebola. Referring here to Obama contradicting CDC repeatedly.
Attempted manipulation of election in allied nation (israel, netanyahu).
ETA: antiamerican deal in Paris
Antiamerican deal in Iran
Antiamerican normalization with Cuba
continual assaults on the 2nd amendment.