Title: Insomnia Author: caydelaura Team of choice: AC Milan Prompt: [thirty three] Pairing: Gennaro Gattuso/Andrea Pirlo Rating: G Disclaimer: Not true Notes: Three drabbles for the lovely finnygan.
God, the second and third ones are so beautifully written, and so sad. (Stupid Pippo, trying to make me feel for him -- NOT GOING TO WORK, MUPPET!) And Bobo. &hearts *sniffle*
[I'm saving the first one for last because SPONGEBOB!!!!! Haaaaa! Awesome. Granted, Spongebob could never help me fall asleep, but I'm proud of Rino for watching it.]
Comments 7
[I'm saving the first one for last because SPONGEBOB!!!!! Haaaaa! Awesome. Granted, Spongebob could never help me fall asleep, but I'm proud of Rino for watching it.]
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[Spongebob is great. Not ever calming for me, but great nevertheless.]
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*dies laughing*
Thanks for lighting up my afternon with that most, uh, unique mental image. Super pairing - I think Spongebob is just about Gattuso's level...
*wanders off giggling*
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