Title: Insomnia Author: caydelaura Team of choice: AC Milan Prompt: [thirty three] Pairing: Gennaro Gattuso/Andrea Pirlo Rating: G Disclaimer: Not true Notes: Three drabbles for the lovely finnygan.
God, the second and third ones are so beautifully written, and so sad. (Stupid Pippo, trying to make me feel for him -- NOT GOING TO WORK, MUPPET!) And Bobo. &hearts *sniffle*
[I'm saving the first one for last because SPONGEBOB!!!!! Haaaaa! Awesome. Granted, Spongebob could never help me fall asleep, but I'm proud of Rino for watching it.]
Your productivity is blowing my mind! I've not yet read the latest ones, because I'm too busy standing and applauding you and your muse, but damn, woman. I'm seriously in awe.
[I love it, as I may have mentioned before. My brother and I watch it when we're at home, it's wonderful.]
I think I'm going to go to bed sort of early for once, and give it another try in the AM? The word this is making it a little easier, though, thank you!
[I'm saving the first one for last because SPONGEBOB!!!!! Haaaaa! Awesome. Granted, Spongebob could never help me fall asleep, but I'm proud of Rino for watching it.]
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[Spongebob is great. Not ever calming for me, but great nevertheless.]
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[I love it, as I may have mentioned before. My brother and I watch it when we're at home, it's wonderful.]
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I think I'm going to go to bed sort of early for once, and give it another try in the AM? The word this is making it a little easier, though, thank you!
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