Hornblower: Facebook edition

May 22, 2010 14:43

Title: Hornblower: Facebook edition
Author: KittyCallum
Characters: Hornblower, Kennedy, Bush, Wellard, Buckland, Sawyer
Rating: G
Warnings: Don't read if you wish to maintain your sanity. The usual.
Notes: Inspired by the Hamlet version (http://www.angelfire.com/art2/antwerplettuce/hamlet.html) and very silly! Mutiny/Retribution in Facebook news feed style. I wrote this originally to amuse my sister, and forgot it existed until she mentioned it during a conversation about something else.

Horatio Hornblower and William Bush are now friends.

Captain Sawyer feels like beating a midshipman today.

Archie Kennedy wrote on Horatio Hornblower’s Wall: ‘What’s wrong with the captain?’

Midshipman Wellard and Archie Kennedy are now friends.

Horatio Hornblower commented on Archie Kennedy’s wall post: ‘Hasn’t had his morning coffee maybe?’

Archie Kennedy is concerned about the future. It’s far more uncertain.

Archie Kennedy, Lieutenant Buckland, Horatio Hornblower and William Bush joined the group ‘Renown’s Officers!’

Horatio Hornblower is on continuous watch and reallyreallyreally wants coffee.

Styles and Randal are no longer friends.

Horatio Hornblower posted an event:
Name: Lieutenant Party
Location: somewhere dark and secret
Description: Nothing to do with mutiny whatsoever

Archie Kennedy and Lieutenant Buckland will be attending Lieutenant Party.

William Bush commented on Horatio Hornblower’s event: ‘Why aren’t I invited?’

Captain Sawyer sent a message to all members of ‘Renown’s Officers!’:
Subject line: Stop plotting against me!
Message: I know what you’re up to. Stop trying to mutiny on me or I’ll have you all hanged and then I’ll go have a party, hey nonny nonny, and ... wait, what was I saying? Oh yeah. Death to mutineers. DEATH!!!!!!

Captain Sawyer became a fan of Straitjackets.

Midshipman Wellard became a fan of Laudanum.

Lieutenant Buckland edited his Work Information.

Lieutenant Buckland is now Acting Captain.

Horatio Hornblower likes blowing up forts.

Archie Kennedy commented on Horatio Hornblower’s status: ‘But gawking at lovebirds is so much more fun.’

William Bush commented on Horatio Hornblower’s status: ‘That’s enough, Mr Kennedy. Might I remind you why we’re here?’

William Bush does not like peer pressure. Or cliffs. Or turnips.

Horatio Hornblower is enjoying a nice G&T on the deck of his Spanish prize. Yay.

William Bush commented on Horatio Hornblower’s status: ‘Could use your help here. Like, now.’

Captain Sawyer is no longer online.

Midshipman Wellard is no longer online.

Archie Kennedy and William Bush became fans of Prison Hospitals.

Lieutenant Buckland and Horatio Hornblower are no longer friends.

Archie Kennedy joined the group ‘Heroical Best Friends.’

Archie Kennedy is no longer online.

Horatio Hornblower is kinda depressed. Oh hey, a promotion!

fanworks: fanfiction

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