These two double drabbles, one rarher more serious than the other emerge, as their title suggests from the interchanges following
anteros_lmc "pointless post "about her sister's goldfish called Archie. As such they are also "
mylodons fault for suggesting there that there ought to be a fic in it.
One of these days I shall be able to resist the daft not- much -plot bunnies which take me over from time to time but at least this one may qualify for the most absurd title of a post this year.
Title: Archie and the Existential Goldfish
Word length:400
Summary: pond gazing in Gibraltar and a (very small) bit of philosophy.
“If the Indy were an aquarium , you would surely be that golden carp. Archie.”
Two young officers with a glass or three too many of the Governor’s sherry inside them
were contemplating the latter’s ornamental pond
"And you would be that big dark one - see, there in the leaves -" the large fish obligingly swam with a flip around the glowing brightness of the carp and both boys laughed. somewhat lightheaded.
“Cleveland ! “ said Archie, pointing out a slow moving slightly oversize fish and stepping back, just brushed Hoartio’s arm with his It was growing dusk but later it would be dark and the light touch was a promise.
Horatio did no more than lean into the arm with the slightest pressure which, in its turn, was an answer.
“Bowlesy !” he joined in, indicating a wily looking trout watching what was going on while lurking , barely moving below.
“And which one is ?”...
” Mr Hornblower! Mr Kennedy! “ the governor’s private after -dinner meeting had broken up and there was, for the moment, no more piscatorial identification as they answered the summons.
“ I was saying", continued Archie, grinning,which one is the Big Fish?"
“ I borrowed your book,Horatio, that mathematical philosopher: its got me thinking”
“ Descartes, smiled Mr Bracegirdle, next to Archie, about to throw the dice; “ quite a long way from the angles of a triangle to the existence of God if you ask me.”
“ and if you ask me, added Mr Bowles, taking a sip of the chasse-marie burgundy that had somehow found its way to the gunroom, “ I’d settle for some young gentlemen even managing the angles of a triangle”.
“A master’s lot is ever an onerous one” Bracegirdle poured himself and the two younger men a refill and returned to his needle match with his friend. They were soon absorbed and not paying direct attention . Such was the only respect for space their lifestyle allowed and the elders knew well how to offer it.
Horatio’s face asked the question as much as his lips. “ About ?”
“Necessary existence. Whether it is better to exist or not.
I said not, there in Ferrol
You wanted me to think otherwise and I hated you for it, then.”
“And now ? “
“ At worst,the jury's still out; At best - I’m studying mathematics: miracles happen"