84 : Exposure

Oct 12, 2008 20:42

It was all well and good discussing things with her boyfriend fiancee partner in the privacy of their his bedroom. But when it came time to own up and face the consequences of their whirlwind weekend, Stark found herself hesitating. There was a lump surprisingly wedged in her throat as she dressed, packed and made the drive she'd made a thousand times before from Falls Church to D.C. proper.

She knew they'd broken the rules. They had broken a very big rule. Not only that but they were so far gone now they couldn't see the rule. She'd asked him to take it slow and now one slightly drunken night later, they had gone from their first kiss to being engaged in about four days. She didn't have the heart to tell him it was starting to scare her, but at the same time? It was the right thing to do. They both knew they were emotionally and what was more legally committed to each other, so all they were really doing was making it officially recognizable.

But they would be exposing their love life for public view. All the things she had worked, they had worked, so hard to deny would now not only be true but everyone would know. What damage would that do to their reputations? Would they be made fun of, or would everyone just say "I told you so"? She hadn't even had time to tell his ex-wife they were dating. And what about their professional punishment? What would McCall do to them? He could fire her. He could split them up. He could do whatever he damn well wanted.


Not telling her boyfriend fiancee partner, she went directly to Vince McCall's office as soon as she'd gotten settled at her desk. After checking with his assistant, she was assured he wasn't yet busy and walked right in.

"Direc..." She saw the arched eyebrow, rolled her eyes. "Vince, you got a minute?"

"I have many. You came to tell me you have a break on the Wright case?" he asked, still typing away at his keyboard. Probably checking his morning e-mail.

"No, though we're working on an angle. I need to talk to Agent Bowman as soon as I'm done here."

"You're finally taking a vacation?"

She chuckled nervously. It was starting to get to her. "No. Well, I mean, I am...we are...I'm supposed to be leaving for France on Saturday morning. Provided I can book a flight and a hotel. Which I will do once I finish the Wright case. But that's not why I'm here."

He finally turned away from the computer and glanced at her. "I'm running out of guesses," he said glibly. "So why are you here this fine morning, Stark?"

"I need you to fire me."


"Seriously. Fire me, right now."

rp, doggett, time: post-canon

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