Love- The Impossible Science

Jul 31, 2009 03:54

FanFic Title: Love-The Impossible Science (Ch. 1)
Author: kimba147
Pairing: Roy/Ed (There may be various straight/gay pairings later on)
Genre: Romance/AU
Rating: NC-17 (for later chapters/ over all story. For this chapter...I'd say PG-13)
Warnings: The usual warnings for this kind of stuff. Losta yaoi, angst, annoying female characters and evil villans my ensue.
Previous Chapters:
Summary: Edward Elric is a high ranking member of an up-and-coming gang. Roy Mustang is the pure-bred Student Council President. Unfortunately for poor Roy, Ed seems far more concerned with taking care of his brother than the raven-haired "bastard". Will Mustang's feelings go forever unrequieted? Will Ed ever get his head out of his *bleep*? And how is Alphonse supposed to be close to his brother if the gang keeps pulling him away? Read to find out.

Love-The Impossible Science

Covered in piercings and tattoos from head to toe, clad in black and chains, the resident Angel of Goth didn't care about other people. He simply swaggered to and from campus everyday without a word to anyone. Students watched out of the corners of their eyes as he passed and shuddered in revulsion.

His numerous studs and rings had earned him the nickname ‘Fullmetal’, a high ranking member of the State Alchemist gang. His eyes had earned him my desire, bordering on obsession.

I watched him get up from his usual spot and exit the cafeteria. I sighed. Watching Edward Elric leave the room was like watching all the color bleed out of my world. I rose from my own seat and moved to clear off my lunch tray, barley registering what was going on around me. I was far too busy with my own thoughts. Contemplating your chances of being with the one you wanted most did tend to distract a person.

I, Roy Mustang, had numerous things one could be proud of. A high ranking family, and good looks. Confidence. Style. Money. I was the most sought after senior at Amestris High. I was the President of the Student Council, head of the Students as Teachers committee, aide to the Government Professor, and had multiple scholarships. I also held the record of the most girls dated, and sequentially dumped of any man in the immediate area.

And I, Roy Mustang, had no chance with Fullmetal.

I gave one more long suffering sigh before leaving for my next class, ten minutes before anyone else. As I went, I began to feel better. I think I may have even smiled.

I could feel the excitement beginning to take hold. The adrenalin pouring into my system was strong enough to temporarily push aside thoughts about the object of my affections. For I was headed to my favorite class of the day.

Chem. II- the only place in the building where you could light something on fire and not be looked at twice.

The second I opened the door, I was assaulted by the familiar, slightly sour smell of unused chemicals. After taking a second to adjust to the eye watering effect, I entered the room.

I always made sure to be obnoxiously early to the class so I could partake in my favorite pastime. Therefore, there was no one here to witness what I was about to do.

I set my bag down and fished out a piece of paper, then strode across the room to visit my old friend, Mr. Bunson Burner.

I reached the lab table and sat down to indulge in my little hobby. Turning the valve, I savored the almost acidic smell that came forth as the flame lit. I took a moment to admire the flickering light of life in front of me. There was something oddly hypnotic about fire. About hearing the crackle of the little tendrils of flames snapping and dancing, trying to reach higher, burning to consume everything in sight. Just thinking about it made me shudder.

I remembered the paper in my hand, lifted it, and touched it to the flame without a second thought. I had long since perfected the art of pyromania, and I knew hesitation would anger the fire, causing it to lash out and bite you.

I lovingly watched the infectious virus of heat spread over the rapidly withering surface of the paper.

When it had been reduced to naught but ash, I closed the valve and gathered up my things, preparing for class to begin. I straightened my spine and once again dawned the mask of perfection that I was expected to wear.
 NoTe: My chapters are usually fairly short...sorry about that. The school setting is upper class and very militaristic...I think that the stuco characters just work well in that type of setting. I tried to model their surroundings and ways of thinking after the millitary in the anime. So, if you notice anything slightly off about the way they speak about the school system throughout the story, that is why.

And thank you to dragonimp  and amethyst_koneko 
for helping me post this.

pairing: roy x ed, rating: pg-13, author: kimba147

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