Title: lay aside every weight
escaloveRating: K
Characters/Pairings: Winry Rockbell, Pinako Rockbell, Gracia Hughes, ensemble. Allusions to people having feelings (canon), but no overt romance/pairing.
Summary: The war is over. Winry is just getting started.
Notes: Many thanks to explicate for her careful and conscientious read-
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Comments 7
I loved it! Thank you so very much.
Much as she loved Ed, he was incredibly trying, especially in the wake of so large and life-changing a success.
Because when you've been hanging on just to survive, and it suddenly looks like maybe you can have what you've been wanting after all, it's quite an adjustment. I love all the details about what's happening to everyone else, and I love Winry at the center of it, the imagination of her 'origin' and how she goes forward. Great work.
I love the progress of Winry from Pinako to Gracia to Garfiel and Paninya - all of the women in Winry's life. Excellent work!
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