The Prompts Poll!

Nov 05, 2010 17:20

Hey folks, remember this poll from a while ago? This is the fruition of that!

Here's the deal: we're going to create a reference post of ladycentric prompts from this fic/art exchange. The hope is that anyone who feels like it can then come back to that post, browse the prompts, and maybe get inspired to create something!

Now, we're not going to post anyone's prompts, even anonymously, unless they volunteer for it. Which is where this poll comes in! We're assuming a default no -- if you don't specifically comment with a "Yes" here, we will not post any of your prompts. (The "No" option is therefore basically for people who don't like to leave a poll uncompleted, or who want to be extra emphatic.) You can check the Sign-Up Post if you don't remember what your prompts were.

Poll Ladyfest Prompt Postings!

A few more details: We'll put up a post on the weekend of Nov. 20th with every "Yes" response we've received by then!

If you forget to answer before then or don't see this post till later, don't worry -- you can still add your prompts. You can also change your yes to a no, or vice versa, at any time you want to. If it's after Nov. 20th 2010, however, please comment here or email us at fma.ladyfest AT gmail. At some point, we'll stop coming back to check the poll results, and we're much more likely to see something that leaves a notification in our inboxes.

If you do complete a prompt on the list, awesome! We have no way to require anything of you, but we do have a couple of requests. 1) Please mention where you got the prompt, so that other people might follow the link and take a look at the prompts and/or the fic and art from this Ladyfest! 2) Please drop a comment to the prompt list post, so that we know it was fulfilled! (Bonus here: for the first six months after the list, if you tell us you've fulfilled a prompt, we'll contact the anonymous person whose prompt it was, so that they know their prompt has led to another fanwork! Six months is all the follow-through we can solidly commit to, but the prompts list will remain up indefinitely.)

So please, if you're willing to toss your prompts up into a mass ladycentric brainstorming post, fill out the poll here and let us know!

Comments are screened, so if you have any questions or clarifications, feel free to comment! Feel free also to send an email to fma.ladyfest AT, and we'll reply as promptly as we can.

EDIT: As of Nov. 22, 2010, the prompts are posted here!

**prompts list, **moderator post

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