Nov 22, 2010 23:58

This is a list of prompts that were given for the 2010 FMA Ladyfest. See the poll post for details! (And if you were a participant and you want to include yours, it's never too late! Go check out the post for those details too.)

All prompts are listed anonymously, and because their writers gave permission for them to be posted. Be warned that they may contain spoilers for any and all of canon, up through manga chapter 108 and Brotherhood episode 64.

Our hope is that this post will become a resource that people can use to give them ideas for more fic, art, and other fanworks centered on the awesome female characters of Fullmetal Alchemist! This is not another fic exchange, even though the prompts are drawn from that, and there are no rules about recipients or incorporating all the details or anything like that. This is a brainstorming resource, basically.

If you do complete a prompt on the list, awesome! We have no way to require anything of you, but we do have a couple of requests. 1) Please mention where you got the prompt, so that other people might follow the link and take a look at the prompts and/or the fic and art from fma_ladyfest! 2) Please drop a comment to this post, so that we know it was fulfilled! (Bonus here: for the first six months after the list goes up, if you tell us you've fulfilled a prompt, we'll contact the anonymous person whose prompt it was, so that they know their prompt has led to another fanwork! Six months is all the follow-through we can solidly commit to, but the prompts list will remain up indefinitely.)

Without further ado, the prompts!

  • Maria Ross: I'd love to see what it's like for her coming back home from Xing after nearly a year when the Promised Day is over. Stuff like readjusting to life in Amestris, having the hassle of being alive after being declared dead, seeing her family and friends again, and so on!

  • Ran Fan & Mei Chang: The journey back home to Xing and learning to get along.

  • Riza Hawkeye: her experience at the academy, who she met there, what she thought about the military before Ishval.

  • Lan Fan: automail mechanic. I'm really curious about those six months she was getting her new arm.

  • Sarah Rockbell and Winey Rockbell: Fairy tales and dress up

  • Ling's concubines: With a woman from every clan, there's bound to be some gossip about The Emperor and his bodyguard right? bonus points if Mei adds to the fire.

  • Riza Hawkeye, post series, married to Mustang and pregnant, reflecting on her life so far and what the future holds for all three of them.

  • Chris Mustang, what were the circumstances that Mustang came to her? How did she feel? Was she upset at first by being saddled with her nephew, or did she love him right away? (Bonus points for putting in a little kid!Mustang)

  • Rebecca Catalina, how did she feel about being asked to help Mustang and his men with the uprising? Was she scared or did she have second thoughts?

  • Gracia and Elysia Hughes, Elysia is growing up and she is starting to forget about her father and she asks her mother about him.

  • I want to know how Gracia and Maes Hughes first meeting.

  • I want to know more about Winry's first solo piece of automail. Who was it for? What were the circumstances? How did she handle it?

  • Winry - Would love to see a fic based on the time period of Ed's recovery from automail surgery.

  • Izumi + Winry - The stories you could tell.

  • Riza/Gracia (or Riza + Gracia) - When the boys are away...

  • Paninya + Ran Fan - During the six months time that Ran Fan is learning to use her automail, she must've run into Paninya at least once...

  • Winry Rockbell. She's busy with her apprenticeship in a tough town. I'd like to see how she handled the transition into this new part of her life.

  • Riza and Rebecca, what do they get up to in the East Command on their days off?

  • Chris Mustang didn't exactly have a life style conducive to taking on a small child. I'd like to see her in the early days of taking care of Roy

  • Olivia Armstrong is obviously a strong leader. I would like to see her first days in Briggs. Was this the command she wanted? Does she see it as a punishment?

  • Trisha Elric: I want to see what she was like BEFORE Hohenheim. Or maybe around the same time? I mean, if Pinako introduced Hohenheim to Trisha after having been his drinking buddy and knowing what was he was (more or less), then Trisha must have been interesting, to say the least. So yeah, pre-housewife!Trisha, please?

  • Olivier Armstrong and Izumi Curtis: Izumi's training in the North. Did they ever meet? Go wherever you want with that (gen, femmeslash, whatever.)

  • Riza Hawkeye and Olivier Armstrong are assigned an undercover mission together. (gen, femmeslash, whatever.)

  • Any characters: it started with a bar fight.

  • Mei Chang: Being able to detect a bunch of wailing, tortured souls underneath the ground has got to be slightly freaky! Write about what that was like for her.

  • Mrs. Bradley: Canon skips over her learning of her husband's death and accepting Selim as her son for a second time, so I'd love something about her from around that time and/or the first couple years afterward.

  • The motivations of the seven homunculi stem from the fact that they are, essentially, children born of a neglectful and unloving Father. But we never get to see how this applies to Lust, who died before any of this was revealed. Expand on this theme as it relates to her character.

  • Riza: in those moments when her throat was cut, what does she see? What does she think?

  • Gracia: the phone call and immediate aftermath when she finds out her husband has been murdered.

  • Olivier: she uses sex to get what she wants

  • Riza: sexual abuse at the hands of Bradley while she's his secretary, how does she cope?

  • Riza Hawkeye -- post-ch108; the work has only begun. (gen or Hawkeye/Mustang)

  • Olivier Armstrong -- watching the sparks fly

  • Madame Christmas -- there are hints in canon that her bar is actually the front for an intelligence/spy business and I'm curious. Always looking for fic in which her background is explored further.

  • Winry & Paninya, hijinks in Rush Valley, showing off for a crowd, and greets at the pub. (Just basically Winry and Paninya being BFF, if you want to center around Paninya that would be wonderful). No Winry/Paninya please.

  • Mei Chang, family pride, May's home life, her training, a day in her life, and I just want to see her have pride in where she comes from, even if her family may be the weakest.

  • Pinako, the life I used to live. (Did she travel, how did she get her start, maybe five bars Pinako went to and the people she met, would be awesome)

  • Maria Ross, Missing home and the smell of Xingese food. (A look into Maria Ross coming to Xing. What does she do and how does she adjust.)

  • Madame Christmas! Anything with her will make me happy, though I'd love to see how she got started with her line of work. Or her meeting Roy's subordinates and friends. Especially Winry. :D

  • Martel. I would love love love to see her joining up with Winry or Mei Chang or Izumi or, um, anyone and having FABULOUS ADVENTURES all over the world. Or maybe she could bodyguard for Mrs Bradley?

  • I'd positively adore anything about Scar's mom. Or any of the Ishbalan women.

  • Something, anything about Lust. What's it like inside her head?

  • Rebecca Catalina, Riza Hawkeye & Maria Ross, training. The joint East-North exercises would be a great situation. Pre-canon.

  • Any Armstrong lady. I'd like to hear more about this family, its place in Amestrian history, any awesome things they might have done, what they do aside from what we've seen in the manga and so on. Any of these or something else you might think of!

  • May Chang in Xing, post-canon. Would love to see Al there somewhere.

  • Winry Rockbell and Elicia Hughes, stories. Post-canon.

  • Winry and Paninya! Hanging out in Rush Valley or their daily routines in Rush Valley.

  • Lan Fan and May Chang. Their growing friendship together. Can be set before or after Ling becomes emperor.

  • The early days of Winry's Rush Valley apprenticeship. How does she deal with her new life? What highs and lows does she go through? What's it like being the youngest apprentice mechanic on the block? Rush Valley always seems like a cool little city - what's it like? Does Paninya show her round? Winry's automail nerdery a plus, as is seeing more of Winry and Paninya's friendship and Rush Valley culture/nightlife. If you'd like to, please feel free to either bring in a bit of pre-get-together Ed/Win or to have Winry experiment with the charms of another boy or girl, or to include no ships at all. As long as the focus stays on Winry.

  • Rebecca and Riza: given what contrasting personalities they have, how did they become such close friends? I'd love to know. Bonus points for comedy, especially if it involves Rebecca's lovably ludicrous antics and Riza's quiet snark. Any implied ships for either of them (canon, non-canon, straight or girlslash) are cool with me as long as the focus is on their friendship.

  • Madam Christmas, a day in the life. Please feel free to include cameo from Roy at whatever age (and if he's a grown-up, to implicitly ship him with whoever you like) - but keep the focus on Chris and her girls. N.B. Re. Bar Christmas's official business front: I always read it as a hostess bar. If you want to make it either a straight-up bar or a straight-up brothel I don't mind as long as Chris stays sympathetic and ethical, as she is in canon.

  • Olivia and her sisters, as adults or children. Bonus points for Katherine's hidden depths. Feel free to include Alex in a secondary role, but focus on the girls. Triple bonus for you if you bring in the Armstrong flower seller.

  • Lt. Maria Ross's life in Xing (can include up to canon return to Central in the later chapters and post-canon).

  • Catherine Elle Armstrong: life living in the shadow of her older siblings (can be during or post-canon).

  • Sheska: drabbles/art/whatever showing stages in her life (can be about work, feelings about past or present, sexual encounters etc)

  • Riza Hawkeye: what's she like with the other *normal* women at the grocery store? ['cause you know, sharpshooters gotta eat too] [ filled by kittu9]

  • Olivier Armstrong: What it like being the toughest person [man or woman] at Briggs? EXTRA bonus for some superior asskicking. :]

  • LanFan: What did she have that caught the attention of her clan? Why did they send her to protect their young master and not some other boy?

  • Izumi and Gracia meet. Two very different housewives--tell me the result. :)

  • Paninya: she's got to be the Amestris equivalent of a godparent to Winry and Ed's kids, right? Maybe she teaches them how to pickpocket, thereby ensuring she will be loved for all time.

  • Gracia and Elicia Hughes: what are their lives like after the series ends? I'm sure Gracia gets a military stipend, but does she go back to work as well? Also, I'm sure Roy and his group check on them all the time, so maybe something about Elicia growing up and latching onto Hawkeye as her awesome 'aunt.'

  • Riza Hawkeye and Olivier Armstrong: Olivier at some point tried to poach Hawkeye and get her to join the Briggs brigade of awesome. I mean, this is Hawkeye we're talking about. Something about Olivier seeing Hawkeye's talents and trying to convince her they're wasted on Mustang would be amazing.

  • Mistress Shan: Ishval is rebuilding-- it'd be great to see the reconstruction from her POV. Plus, any fic about Ishval would be amazing! Also, it would be awesome if she wound up in the position of Grand Cleric, but that's just a random idea.

  • Mrs. Bradley: what kind of life does she have post-series? What kind of difficulties does she face raising Selim? What kind of relationship does she have with Grumman? How involved is she in politics?

  • Olivier Armstrong: Maybe something dealing with her rise through the ranks to become a major general and gain her position at Fort Briggs? Anything focusing on Olivier would be awesome and much appreciated.

  • Madame Christmas: In the past or in the present, using her contacts and her awesome skills to gather intelligence. Maybe it's a political job or maybe she's involved with some kind of detective work? I suppose this request just boils down to "Madame Christmas (and her girls?) being awesome."

  • Ling's mother: I'm curious about Ling's she still alive? If so, what does she think of her son's exploits? What's she like? Anything about life in the court of Xing, both pre-, during, or post-series would be cool.

  • I would love to see Riza and Maria Ross getting together, maybe a little surprised about it, with Rebecca giddily playing matchmaker.

  • We've seen Izumi as a young woman in Brotherhood, but what was she like as a little girl? What was her childhood like?

  • Olivier and Catherine having some kind of sisterly bonding time. There's a pretty large age difference there, and though they're both gorgeous, they have opposing personalities. Do they get along in spite of that? Is Olivier protective of her little sister, or tough on her?

  • I'd love to see a story about Trisha pregnant. No preference as to which little alchemist is in there, though it might be interesting to see her dealing with Ed while big as a balloon. Who runs to get Pinako when she's ready to pop? ;)

  • Lan Fan, Mei and Xiao Mei in Xingese formal wear. (Haha this is pretty art-specific. I suppose if you want to write me 1000 words of description on robes and hair, that's fine too?!) (And also if you want to include Winry and Riza in the lineup, that'd be OK also! Just... Xingese formal wear. *-*) I'd like to point out that in my headcanon Xingese clothing is more similar to traditional Chinese clothing (Hanfu is preferable to qipao, if for any reason you know the difference, and it's OK if you don't, because they're easily confused anyway) than anything else, but if you want to have some Japanese or Korean influences that is okay!

  • A very young Winry (probably younger than seven) discovers automail properly for the first time, falls in love. Optional: Pinako supervision/guidance.

  • Riza and Rebecca, shopping. (If you'd like to write fic for this: Rebecca borrows a criminal amount of money and skirts from Riza.)

  • Pre-canon Lan Fan with her clan members (mother? Aunt? Sisters? Cousins? She'll likely have a lot of relatives!). If that's too vague, maybe at the dinner table, with delicious Xingese food and over 9000 pots of tea. I'd love to hear what Lan Fan's opinion on spicy food is!

  • May Chang, gen. Something about her training in alkahestry. Who taught her, what motivated her, her thoughts about her power to heal. Maybe something about her learning to throw knives at such a young age!

  • Lanfan + Winry Rockbell, gen. Automail adjustments! Post-canon, obviously. Maybe something about them growing up in different cultures?

  • Lan Fan: what was she like as a child? How did she grow up -- with her immediate family, with a big extended clan, in training? Anything about Lan Fan pre-Ling or in a context that doesn't totally revolve around Ling, even if he's on the periphery somehow, would be awesome.

  • Gracia: what was she like before she married Maes Hughes? And/or what did she do when he was off at work, before she had a baby occupying most of her time -- did she have a job? Did she volunteer, have hobbies, have friends in the neighborhood? Bonus points for her hanging out with Hawkeye, or with Maria Ross or anybody else. Alternately: so, after Hughes died, did Gracia keep in touch with Team Mustang and play any kind of role in the Promised Day set-up?

  • Paninya is awesome! Paninya hijinks somehow? Bickering with the old automail master, or hanging out with Winry, or teaching the LaCoultes' baby petty larceny while it's in diapers, or uh pretty much anything that involves Paninya being Paninya.

  • Madame Christmas plus Hawkeye, Rebecca, or both. Or any other named character! (Did she ever meet the Rockbells back in the day? Or Grumman, or anybody else? Lots of people might have passed through Central at some point, and stopped by a bar!) Basically I just want to see Madame Christmas in her element around anybody else, because juxtapositions are hilarious and so is she.

  • Pinako: so she was the Pantheress of Resembool and Hohenheim's drinking buddy, huh? I'm so curious about Pinako in her younger days! I'd love anything showing her in her youth or middle age.

  • Mrs. Bradley and Hawkeye: what was their relationship like, anyway? Especially during those six months of timeskip, when Hawkeye was King Bradley's aide the whole time, but post-canon would be fun too.

  • Scar's mom gets about two seconds of screen time, but I'm curious about her anyway. What kind of person was she, that she and her husband raised those two boys? What was her perspective on Ishval, before or during the war?

  • Did Mei Chan and Lan Fan ever meet before canon? Or what's their relationship like afterwards? What's the Emperor's court like, anyhow? Anything about the ladies of Xing would be really cool. Bonus points for kinda-sorta getting along!

  • Pinako! She's such a fascinating lady and we know almost nothing about her. While her relationships with the kids are great, I'd especially love a fic that gave her a chance to interact with some of the other adult characters. Some ideas: Pinako and Izumi (they must have at least met once before Ed and Al ran off to become baby alchemist trainees, right? Or possibly exchanged letters while the baby Elrics were in Dublith?), Pinako in Rush Valley (visiting Winry? Terrifying the LeCoultes?), Pinako hanging out with Chris Mustang (I have no idea how this would/would have happened, but IT WOULD BE EPIC).

  • Maria Ross! I would especially love Maria Ross' BADASS ADVENTURES IN XING as casually referenced in this interview where Arakawa mentioned That Time Maria Ross Totally Saved The Emperor's Life. How is there no fic about this? Alternately, what happens after everything goes down on the Promised Day - does she stay with the military, or is she done with that? Does she help rebuild, or go home to her family, or become BFF with Rebecca, or find an awesome girlfriend, or become ambassador to Xing due to her shiny new Xingese emperor-saving cachet? Or all of the above! Or none of the above!

  • I am completely fascinated by the mysterious Strongine and Amue Armstrong. WHO ARE THEY. WHAT DO THEY DO. I would really love a fic about the two overlooked Armstrong ladies, and which badass Armstrong traditions passed down through generations they've decided to adopt, and their relationships with their sisters - though while I love Olivier a ridiculous amount, and Olivier cameos will always make me happy, for this prompt I'd rather the fic not center on her. I'd really like Strongine and/or Amue to be front and center for once.

  • Okay, so that final Elric family image in Brotherhood where Mei and Paninya are, like, giving each other bunny ears or something has made me long desperately for fic in which Mei and Paninya are Rush Valley BFF. THAT'S ALL.

  • Riza Hawkeye--anything, but during the Ishval war would be super interesting! Possibly how she and Rebecca came to be friends/better friends?

  • Mei Chang as a teenager post-canon! How are those Xingese politics looking? Or her continual study of the contrast/comparison of alchemy and alkahestry?

  • Who is Gracia Hughes? What was her life like before Hughes/during Hughes' time in the war/as a wife/mother/after canon? What was her job before everything? What is her family like? HOW DID SHE GET SO AWESOME? Expound! :D

  • Winry and Paninya are awesome. EXPOUND. Uh, possibly the time they spent together in canon (offscreen) as Paninya started doing Honest Work and Winry became even more amazing with automail? :D :D. Post-canon hanging out would be also cool!

Last updated 12/5/10

**prompts list, **moderator post

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