Title: Lost
Catw00manSeries: PRE Brotherhood/Manga
Word Count: 250
Rating: PG
Characters: Roy Mustang
Summary: There’s no easy answer to find your way.
Author’s Note: I just wanted to say a huge THANK YOU for all the kind feed back I’ve received on these stories. It’s definitely keeping me motivated! :-D Hopefully I’ll get a chance now to catch up
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Comments 19
Thanks so much for the sweet comment!
It's actually neat to see a background like this, because I always pictured Roy as coming from humble roots, like a farm, and only being exposed to the other side of things when he lives with Madame Christmas. It seems to help define his compassion. In contrast, I always saw Zolf Kimblee being born into money and acting accordingly.
Okay, done with head-canon babbling, sorry! I'm just really happy to see this. I will try to make time this weekend to catch up on the other pieces you've posted for it.
I'm so glad I'm not the only one! LOL I've always seen Roy as so much more well adjusted than so many others in the story who have daddy or other family issues. The only way I could imagine this, especially if you go with the idea that the Madame is running a brothel or something like that, would be if he was greatly loved when he was little. Anyway, that's what I'm going with! LOL Oh, and as for Kimblee, I so have to agree!
Thanks again for the comment. I always love canon-babbling as you can probably tell! LOL
And the view of alchemy- delicious. Can't wait for you to pursue that!
Thanks again and I'm so glad you're enjoying this. :-)
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