Title: Bastard
Author: gretchen8642
Series: Pre-Brotherhood/Manga
Characters: roy and his parents
Word Count: 247
Rating: R
Summary: he wishes he couldn't hear it.
Warning: domestic and child abuse, implied sexual assault
Little fucker’s costing me an arm and a leg. )
Comments 12
I do love a good bit of angst and this is definitely a very good bit of angst :)
That is so damn tragic, and while I usually don't find the use of extra language very tasteful, it really brings the piece to life in this case. I wouldn't have caught the vividness you were trying to depict without it, so it works. Nicely done!
Imma go cry for Roy and his momma now.
Your piece is brutal (and exceptionally well-written I might add). Unfortunately such violence is a reality for many, many kids in this world.
Sad thoughts...
I never noticed any hints of possible abuse in Mustang's childhood in the anime-verse(or I tuned them out if there were any) so the choice of his character for this topic came as a surprise.
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