Title: Did everyone see that... (Because I will not be doing it again)
mokka_kahviRating: PG
Warnings: Envy's monster form might count as body horror.
Prompt: A group shot of Envy in all his forms--Homunculus, fetus!Envy, CoS!dragon, and manga!dragon. Or maybe a fight scene, manga!dragon VS CoS!dragon?
Disclaimer: Envy and FMA do not belong to me,
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Comments 19
Indeed it is. It's kind of weird, really. The sketching wasn't a hassle at all, but once I got to inking it the reality of how detailed it actually was hit pretty hard.
In my case, I'm not sure it's actual talent so much as "I drew this character constantly for over half a decade and now I'm so used to him that he's one of the only things I'm really good at", lmao.
I kid, but seriously, thanks so much! :>
Can't help but loving the first composition sketch the most though, mainly because of manga!dragon Envy's pose and Envy-in-a-jar. ^^;
I can understand that, actually. I really liked the manga!dragon's pose in that as well. It only ended up changed when I had to improve its anatomy and scale each figure better. :/ See, I wish I was clever enough to have mirrored that exact composition with the form-to-form ratio I ended up using.
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