Title: Down the Road
Author: bay115
Beta: The lovely and great
alchemyotaku75 Artists:
ghosthax (thanks so much you two!) and
bay115 Genre: Drama, Action, Flashback
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 36,028
Pairing/Characters: Ling/Lan Fan (UST), May, Shao May, short appearances from various OCs and canon characters (including one from the Daughter of the Dusk FMA Wii game)
Warnings: Violence, deceased body being carried throughout this story.
Summary: Ling, Lan Fan, and May took the long road back to Xing by passing through Aerugo and crossing the ocean, carrying Fu’s deceased body with them. As the group was traveling, they got to know Fu better by reading his journal. Unfortunately, the journey doesn’t go smoothly as a water alchemist, the Aerugo royal family, and thieves make sure to delay the trip.
Author's Note: For the 2010-2011
fmabigbang .
seta_suzume and I did the art for the Big Bang story. All chapters crossposted to my journal.
Chapter One: Before the Trip Chapter Two: Meeting With May Chapter Three: All Quiet on the Southern Front Chapter Four: Ada of Rainington Chapter Five: The Camiburn Tale Chapter Six: King of the South, Prince of the East Chapter Seven: The Five Thieves Chapter Eight: We Encounter Wind Chapter Nine: Tender Chapter Ten: Finally Home