Title: Clueless Author: flying_embers Rating: G Pairing: Hiisagi Shuuhei x Kira Izuru Word Count: 150 Disclaimer: Bleach is owned by the master, Kubo Tite.
Aww, adorable :D (that's the nicest thing about fluffy drabbles ^^) It was very light-hearted and optimistic, and fun to read :)
If you want a prompt, I can give you, say, three, they're lyrics of some songs (choose the one you want): 1. "You be good and don’t you miss me” 2. “You’d better smile” 3. "Sugar and spice, and all things nice”
Comments 6
If you want a prompt, I can give you, say, three, they're lyrics of some songs (choose the one you want):
1. "You be good and don’t you miss me”
2. “You’d better smile”
3. "Sugar and spice, and all things nice”
Aah :) Good luck writing!
*gives many coookies!*
The prompts are interesting, thank you! I'll see what I can do with them.
*enjoys cookies*
Good job!
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