Fic update: 'This Is Going To Be Fun' - Buffy/Life On Mars/Torchwood/Doctor Who (7/15ish)

Jun 06, 2007 21:02

Title: This Is Going To Be Fun
Author: Flurblewig
Fandom: Buffyverse/Life On Mars/Torchwood/Doctor Who
Genre: Comedy drama, with a side order of crackfic :-)
Rating: PG13
Length: This part 3,398 words
Pairing: Gen ensemble
Summary: Sam Tyler meets another time-traveller and finds out that the world is even weirder than he thought, while Rhys ( Read more... )

fic: buffyverse, fic, fic: tigtbf, fic: life on mars, fic: dr who

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Comments 8

debxena June 7 2007, 01:22:12 UTC
Meep! Poor Giles!

Love the chapter - nice to see Warren getting a glimpse of the future.


flurblewig June 8 2007, 13:11:04 UTC
Thanks, hon! ::beams::


tatlovestea June 7 2007, 18:21:25 UTC
Wow! o_0

Where'd Giles go?! And bless Rhys - he is so adorable!


flurblewig June 8 2007, 13:12:42 UTC
Thank you! And yes, Rhys is the very definition of adorable! ::beams::


mymatedave June 8 2007, 18:03:01 UTC
'No. Not like that. Trust me, I've got a plan.' He grins at Jack. 'I've always wanted to say that, and be talking about more than going out to pick up a Chinese take-away after the footie.'

My absolute favourite line in this part. Love the fic and keep up the good work.


flurblewig June 9 2007, 16:43:18 UTC
Hee, thank you! My Rhys has always secretly wanted to be a superhero :-)


Wow! loafing_oaf August 3 2007, 01:03:38 UTC
I just stumbled across this fic and I am really enjoying it.

I am amazed at the way you've been able to capture the voices for so many different characters, especially Buffy and Jack.

Looking forward to reading the next chapters.


Re: Wow! flurblewig August 5 2007, 16:07:03 UTC
Thank you so much! So glad you're enjoying the story, I hope to have some more soon :-)


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