[fic] from korea, with love

Dec 07, 2008 03:55

from korea, with love
yunho/junsu; r
3000w. james bond au/spoof.

Yunho took a deep breath and focused. One shot, that’s all he would need. Behind the window, a curtain twitched. Yunho tightened his grip on the gun and exhaled slowly. A man’s face appeared, laughter and then sudden shock twisting his mouth.

Yunho squeezed the trigger. The man went down open-mouthed. Yunho allowed himself a slight quirk of his lips. “Goodnight,” he whispered softly. Turning, Yunho stepped clean off the edge of the building. He landed smoothly in a pile of garbage bags.

A sleek black Aston Martin rounded the corner and came to an abrupt stop by Yunho’s feet. “About time,” Yunho muttered. He stood up and shook himself off before opening the passenger door and sliding inside. The car sped off into the night.

“Jesus Christ, Yunho. Can’t you ever fall in anything other than other people’s trash?”

Yunho looked up from his seemingly innocent palm pilot and raised an eyebrow at the man sitting beside him. “Do you expect me to fall straight onto the ground?”

The driver huffed out a sigh of the long-suffering. “I suppose that would be messier.”

“Then shut up and drive.” Yunho looked away and smiled to himself. Yoochun was a good driver and an even better friend. He risked his life every time he contacted Yunho. Yoochun had dual citizenship in South Korea and the United States. He worked for the CIA, and when necessity called, he worked for Yunho’s organisation too.

“Mind if I put the radio on?” Yoochun asked, already reaching for the stereo dials.

Yunho shrugged. “If you wa-“

He was interrupted by a shower of bullets hitting the back left hand side of the car. Yoochun swore loudly and swerved to one side. “Friends of yours?” he spat, veering around a sharp corner into a side street.

Yunho rolled his shoulders and reached for the gun inside his jacket. “Hold on tight.”

“I’m too old for this shit,” Yoochun groaned.

Yunho straightened his shirt out as Yoochun drove away. They were relatively unharmed, but Yoochun’s brand new car was missing two doors and a license plate. Yunho watched as it disappeared into the night. He smiled and walked towards a plain, darkened building. Even as he stepped through the door, his phone rang. He picked it up and answered with a simple, “J.”

“Y,” an irritated male voice responded.

Yunho’s smiled widened. “That’s not what you call me.”

“No, I mean why. As in why do I put up with you? You couldn’t possibly leave any of them alive?”

“Alive?” Yunho was escorted into an elevator by two men in dark suits. The doors closed and the elevator rose twenty-seven stories. “They were useless. I had to protect Yoochun.”

“Park Yoochun can take care of himself.”

The elevator doors opened to reveal a beautiful, angry-faced man with dark hair and a phone pressed to his ear. Yunho bowed slightly as he approached the man. “Jaejoong.”

Jaejoong snapped his phone shut and turned his back to Yunho. “Come with me.” It was a demand, not a request.

Yunho followed dutifully. He liked to tease Jaejoong, but only a little bit. Jaejoong was his boss, after all. Jaejoong lead Yunho and several other nameless, faceless men into an almost blindingly white room. It was empty apart from two chairs and a plain white table.

“Sit,” Jaejoong commanded. He sat himself at one side of the table and waited, expressionless, as Yunho sat down opposite. “Your mission, should you choose to-“ Yunho raised an eyebrow and Jaejoong paused to wet his lips, “-We’ve found something for you. A shipment of illegal drugs docking tomorrow night.”

Yunho reclined in the chair comfortably. “Isn’t this police work?”

Jaejoong’s cold expression warmed with a slight smile. He held out a pale hand and a slim, beige folder was placed in his hand. “Thank you, Seunghyun.” He slid the folder across to Yunho and sat forward.

Yunho opened the folder and looked down at the photograph. If he felt any surprise, he didn’t let it show. “I see,” he murmured. He closed the folder and locked eyes with Jaejoong. “Does anyone else know?”

“We can’t say,” Jaejoong answered. “You’ll need to see Changmin.”

Yunho nodded and stood up. “I’ll go now.” He bowed curtly and turned to leave.

“Don’t let me down, Jung.”

Yunho paused by the door and smoothed down his collar. “You look tired, Jaejoong,” he said softly. “Get some sleep.”

Yunho rapped his knuckles on Changmin’s door. He waited the customary ten seconds before the locks clicked and the door opened a crack. A tall, ruffled young man appeared in the doorway. He wore spectacles and a very tired and annoyed frown.

“Jung Yunho. I should have known. I was sleeping.”

Yunho grinned and crossed his arms. “Lying is a sin, Changmin. There’s a smudge of grease on your temple and I can see your lab coat under that dressing gown.”

Changmin’s frown deepened as he invited Yunho in. “No wonder Jaejoong always looks so haggard, dealing with you all the time.”

“He sent me here.”

“I know,” Changmin grumbled as he led Yunho through several password protected doors and down a spiral staircase. “He called me this morning. I’ve been working all day.”

Yunho waited patiently as Changmin scanned his fingerprints, eyes and voice into the security systems. A thick steel door slowly swung open into a large underground lab. Yunho whistled appreciatively. “You just get better and better.”

Changmin looked over his shoulder to roll his eyes at Yunho. “Flattery will not get you everywhere, Jung. I’m not one of your conquests.”

Yunho smiled faintly. “Not yet, anyway.” He chuckled as a hint of a blush stained Changmin’s cheeks. “What’ve you got for me?”

Changmin looked up sharply and Yunho winked, laughing easily when Changmin scowled at him. “I can’t believe our country relies on you. I’ve got another car for you, seeing as you totalled the last one I gave Park Yoochun.” He picked up a remote and pushed at a tiny joystick. A brand new Alfa Romeo 159 rolled into view, stopping mere inches from Yunho’s body.

“Nice.” Yunho walked around the perimeter of the car before nodding in approval.

“Guns in all the usual places,” Changmin continued. “For extras…” he pressed a red button on the remote and three panels on the wall turned over to show an impressive array of weapons. “Take your pick. I’ve got GPS systems for you with built in identification imagers. You can choose from a series of handphone models. There are several ear pieces, a multi-function lock pick and a new Omega Seamaster wristwatch, because I know you broke the old one.”

Yunho just shrugged and picked up the items as Changmin reeled them off. “Explosives?”

Changmin’s face lit up. “A pen, an earring and a tube of toothpicks.”

Yunho rolled the tube of toothpicks between his fingers. “Running out of ideas?”

“I thought it was ingenious,” Changmin bristled.

“Be careful of that ego.” Yunho winked at Changmin again as he climbed into the car and adjusted the seat. “Don’t want you getting too… cocky.”

Changmin blushed again and Yunho closed the car door in victory. He turned on the engine and reversed in a wide arc. The wall at the far end of the lab split apart as Yunho put the car into gear.

“Try not to crash this one!” Changmin shouted.

Yunho put his foot on the gas and sped away. Changmin should know better by now.

Yunho arrived at the beach early afternoon to check out the surrounding area. He parked the car behind an old tow truck and covered it with a plastic sheet. That ought to keep Changmin from bitching him out. Yunho changed quickly - he went incognito in board shorts, flip-flops and a bare chest.

The beach was full of people. Yunho scanned the crowds quickly, walking forward when he was satisfied. He wore the explosive earring in one ear. Secret pockets in his board shorts hid the toothpicks and his handphone. He strode towards the water. Sudden movement in the corner of his right eye had him turning sharply and catching a speeding soccer ball before it could hit him in the face.

“Sorry! I’m sorry!” A breathless, smiling boy ran towards him, obviously after the ball. “Hyukjae can’t throw to save his life.”

Yunho held the ball out as the boy approached. “Lucky that I can catch for mine, huh?” he said lightly. The boy flushed and took the ball with shy fingers. Yunho didn’t miss the way the boy’s eyes roamed over his bare skin. He licked his lips, immediately bringing the boy’s attention upwards. “You okay?” he asked, amused.

The boy nodded furiously. He bounced the ball in his hands. “Do you play?” he asked.

“Do you?” Yunho countered. He was enjoying the way that the boy kept blushing, even though there was a shy arrogance about him. “What’s your name?” Yunho said, not waiting for a reply to his previous question.

“Kim Junsu,” the boy answered.

“Well Kim Junsu, I wouldn’t look now but-“ Yunho pulled Junsu close and bent to whisper, lips against Junsu’s ear, “-Your friend is trying to steal a bag of chips from your bag.”

Junsu pulled away and twisted to see. He yelled when he saw that Yunho wasn’t lying. He dropped the ball and made to tear off down the beach. Yunho grabbed Junsu’s arm and brought them flush against each other.

“What are you doing?” Junsu demanded, trying to pull away.

Yunho lowered his eyes to the floor before bringing them back up slowly. “Do you usually let strange men play with your balls?”

Junsu made a high pitched noise of protest and snatched the ball up quickly. He wrenched himself free from Yunho’s grip and stumbled away back to his friends. Yunho watched him go and grinned to himself.

He turned on his heel and went to inspect the proposed docking location for the shipment. Playtime could wait.

Thirty minutes later, Yunho had identified all suspects waiting for the shipment. He knew which men were armed and the exact weapons they were armed with. Stepping into the beach shower block, Yunho reached into his shorts to retrieve his handphone. A strangled shout stopped him in his tracks. Pressing himself flat against the wall, Yunho edged closer to the noise and listened as the sound of a struggle became evident.

“I don’t know anything,” a male voice protested. “Get off me!”

“I don’t think so,” someone replied roughly. “You’re going to talk the easy way, or let me have some fun and we’ll do this the hard way.”

Yunho stepped smoothly around the corner and smiled. Kim Junsu looked up in surprise. He was pushed up against one of the shower cubicles, a tall, muscled man leaning against his back.

“There you are,” Yunho said. He approached them carefully.

“Who the fuck are you?” Junsu’s attacker hissed. He flicked open a penknife and pointed it at Yunho. “This is none of your business. Get out of here.”

Junsu whimpered, eyes pleading with Yunho. Yunho looked away and frowned at the man holding Junsu. “Well, it is my business when you’re threatening my brother. Let him go.”

“And what are you gonna do about it?” the other man sneered.

“This,” Yunho muttered. He kicked at the other man’s legs and sent him sprawling to the ground. Yunho yanked at Junsu’s arm and tossed him to the floor out of the way. A few bruises were worse than a knife to the back. The assailant picked himself up with a roar and launched at Yunho. Yunho sidestepped him easily and grabbed the hand wielding the knife.

“You son of a bitch!” the other man screamed.

Yunho snorted and grunted as a backwards kick was aimed at his knee. “Good,” he rasped, “but unfortunately not good enough.” He twisted the knife out of the other mans grip and stabbed it into the side of his neck. The man fell to the floor with a groan.

“Who are you?” Junsu stammered. He was scrambling to stand up. Yunho opened his mouth to answer when Junsu pointed to the floor in fear. “He’s still moving!”

Yunho glanced to the bleeding man on the floor and rolled his eyes. “Stubborn bastard.” He fingered the earring in his ear before pulling it out. The other man dragged himself upright just as Yunho slammed his fist into the man’s temple, embedding the earring in his head.


Yunho grabbed Junsu’s hand and pulled him out of the shower block before he could say anything else. “Just run, okay? We’ve got about ten seconds.”

They ran full pelt along the concrete and onto the boardwalk. Surprisingly, Junsu kept up with Yunho evenly, both of them gasping for air, uncaring as their feet hit stones and other sharp objects.

“Quick!” Yunho yelled, swinging them both around behind a yellow skip. He threw Junsu against the side and crouched over him. A loud explosion rocked through them, the impact making Yunho’s bones rattle. Bits of debris flew overhead. Yunho pressed closer to Junsu to shield him from the burning hot bricks.

As the noise died down, Yunho looked around and pulled a shaking Junsu up. “I’ll explain in a minute, just come with me.”

They ran again, Yunho leading them through side streets and alleys until they reached the plastic covered car. When Yunho ripped the sheet off, Junsu’s jaw dropped. “Sweet ride,” he said in awe.

Yunho laughed and opened the doors using his handphone. “Get in. I’ll take you to a hotel to get you cleaned up. Then I’ll explain.”

Yunho pulled off his shorts as soon as they entered the room, heading to the bathroom stark naked. “Take whatever you want from the mini bar,” he called over his shoulder, not bothering to look back at Junsu.

Five minutes later, he came out of the shower in only a robe. He was impressed to see that Junsu was still there, sitting on the bed and looking around the room. “You want a shower?” Yunho asked. Junsu nodded, staring at Yunho’s body. Yunho smiled. “There are spare towels. Go crazy.”

Yunho dressed himself in a loose shirt and slacks while he waited for Junsu to shower. He didn’t want to scare the poor boy any more.

When Junsu emerged in nothing but a towel, Yunho was lounging on the bed with a glass of whisky. He let his eyes roam over Junsu’s bronzed skin before putting the glass down and sliding to the edge of the bed. “Let’s get those cuts cleaned up, yeah?”

Junsu nodded and sat down. “So what are you? Like, a spy or something? Licensed to kill?”

Yunho snorted as he dabbed antiseptic over a cut on Junsu’s chest. “And I’m going straight for your heart, babe.”

Junsu swallowed hard, his stomach clenching under Yunho’s touch. Yunho put the antiseptic down and wiped his fingers on Junsu’s towel. “My heart is bullet proof,” Junsu said, even as his breath hitched.

Yunho felt the jump against his body and slipped his hand under Junsu’s towel. “How about this?” he murmured, and pressed Junsu down, down, down onto soft sheets.

“How did that happen?”

Yunho watched in admiration as Junsu sat up, the sheets pooling around his waist, revealing the long stretch of his naked back. He crawled forward to press gentle kisses along the smooth, sunkissed skin. “How did what happen?” he said gruffly, kissing Junsu’s throat and sliding his hand down between Junsu’s still-slick thighs.

Junsu shifted his legs apart and hummed, head falling back on Yunho’s shoulder. “I can still feel you there,” he whispered.

Yunho manoeuvred himself so that his legs were either side of Junsu’s waist, his chest pressed to Junsu’s back. “Here?” he asked, slipping two fingers back inside Junsu’s body.

Junsu gasped and rolled his hips into the caress. Yunho glanced at the bedside clock and licked his lips. There were still a couple of hours left.

Yunho stared out of the window as he fastened his cufflinks. He was on a job, but there was no reason to look shabby. He turned back and watched Junsu lacing up a pair of patent leather shoes, borrowed from Yunho of course.

Junsu stood up and regarded Yunho curiously. “Jung Yunho,” he said suddenly. “Thirty-five years old. Secret service for ten years. Kim Jaejoong’s most trusted and revered agent.”

Yunho couldn’t help his smile. “Kim Junsu,” he countered. “Twenty-seven years of age. Deceptively youthful visage. MI6 and associate of Park Yoochun. Your Korean is flawless. I assume I can trust you?”

Junsu blinked and then laughed. “Yoochun told me you’d know.”

“I wouldn’t go to bed with just anyone,” Yunho teased. He walked over to a chest of drawers with a briefcase resting on top and pulled out a single photograph. He handed it to Junsu and watched his face for any giveaway signs.

Junsu looked up from the photograph with serious eyes. “Does anyone else know?”

“We can’t say,” Yunho said, echoing Jaejoong’s words. “But-“

A volley of bullets streaked through the wooden door. Yunho and Junsu shared a split-second glance before heading for the window. Yunho gripped the briefcase tightly and reached for Junsu’s hand. “Ready to jump?”

Junsu said nothing, and shot a bullet through the window. The glass shattered from the impact and they jumped through just as the door splintered open behind them. They landed in a pile of garbage bags.

A dark Aston Martin skidded to a stop by their feet. The doors opened and they climbed into the backseats. The car accelerated away before they could even sit down.

“Trash again?” Yoochun groaned, taking a sharp right. “Do you get rooms over the trash bags on purpose?”

Yunho checked the GPS on his handphone. “Of course I do.”

“Hi Junsu,” Yoochun said, glancing into the rear mirror. “I see you’ve met Yunho.”

Junsu’s cheeks grew pink and Yoochun swore as he cut a red light. “Not you as well? Jesus Christ, Yunho. Keep it in your pants.”

“Live and let die. Now shut up and drive,” Yunho snapped. “The beach, we’ve got a shipment to intercept.”

When bullets rained down on the car from above, Yunho straightened his jacket and smiled. The car swerved and Junsu fell into him.

You only live twice.
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