Title: Rainbow
Rating: pg-13
Genre: romance, some pretty intense angst
Pairing: 2jun
A.N: for
justcallmepriya because she wrote me an amazing fic and this is my present to her! Let's compare angst, yobeo! <3
Summary: Go go (what should I do?) over the rainbow, go go (where should I go?) over the rainbow...
I wanted to live like a good guy...how did we become like this? )
Comments 17
Anyways, so here goes :3
I've already read this beauteous story before and afterwards I was left completely depressed. You said in your comment on The Liar, that you hope you can make me just as depressed...well...
( ... )
( ... )
I'm so glad you love it, Priya cause I was worried you'd be like "aaaa /stabs/!" kkkkk <3 but I will also admit that I'm cackling evilly with the knowlege that I made you cry kkkkkk
Because that means I did a good job!!! ^__________^
And that song just needed a story, yanno? le sigh <3333 I just can't handle it heehee. And yeah ^/////^ I'm just...fjas;ldkfj omg I'm so happy you like it so much!!! I LOVE YOU COME VISIT ME RN!!
Those words, "I'm happy" are so heartbreaking. It seems like Junhyung is trying to hold onto the happiness of the past, hoping it can keep him going and stop his heart from crumbling completely to ashes. And Doojoon is trying to convince himself of another lie which this time he does wish to become true unlike all the others he has been beaten down with ( ... )
I'm glad that my angst is good! I prefer fluff but I also enjoy writing angst. But that's definitely a field that I think I improve on ^__^
I'm really so glad that you like it, my dear! Really, it makes me so happy <3 you know I don't know if i've asked you or whatever, but if you have twitter or msn or something let me know <3 kkkk you can be my muse/beta/whatever heehee ^___^
I'd say I'm sorry again for making you sad but secretly I'm not-so-sorry cause that was my goal
I do have msn but I don't use it that much lately to be honest. If you want to add me though you can (weerainbow@hotmail.com) or you can always send me an e-mail or message me here on LJ if you want. I'd be delighted to hear from you anytime!!
*squishes you*
wow, the fact that I managed to make you like something else, even if for a little bit, makes me really.....proud. Only because I know it had to be written well to make it okay, you know? I had to make it 2jun. I mean...no other pairing would have fit quite as well. It just...fell together that way kkkk
kkkkk I'll hold you to that real comment, missy! But for now, you go rest your mind ^___^ <3
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I'm really glad you liked it! I rarely enjoy permanent angst but when its a topic that's...pretty impossible to wrap up in a pretty bow, it just has to end sadly. So thanks for commenting! I'm glad you liked it!!
i normally don't read 2jun, but your post about the song caught me, and thus this also caught my interest. i'm also very unhappy about the state of homosexuality in Korea, although it's been improving very slightly. i think these 2 are the perfect characters to portray the story, and you managed to tell the story in a way that won't make people see doojoon as a douchebag, but rather a conflicted man.
thank you for making this. well done.
p.s. i absolutely loved that line from the song. >_
You know, I normally don't write 2jun either, but I just couldn't see it being anyone else. I'm actually happy that you saw that too. They just...fit, right?
I don't know about the situation in Korea improving so much as they're pretending that it doesn't exist. I feel so sad towards all the people there right now lying about it everyday. It breaks my heart. :(
I'm really, really flattered that you liked this so much. so thanks for leaving such an amazing review! I love this song--it's probably the most powerful korean song I've ever heard (which is a lot, really). (I wonder how much Tablo had to do with this song. The man is my role model and hero. I really look up to him).
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