a community ficathon

Jun 04, 2015 15:04

[ i forgive you for being something that will eventually die. perishable goods, fading out slowly, little human, i wouldn’t want to be in a world where you don’t exist. ]

a community ficathon

A Community comment ficathon
[click on the picture]

[If you want to promote, there's the banner above + maybe other lovely banners in this thread.]

+ I watched the Community season 6 finale. I wept. Here we are now.

RULES: shamelessly stolen from upupa-epops and slightly adapted.

1. all community friendships/ships/characters etc are fair game. all possible crossovers, AUs, fusions, seasons 7 and movies are fair game.
2. make a separate comment for each prompt. and don't be shy, prompt.
3. when you fill a prompt, please leave a comment here (link, title, warnings, prompt).
4. feedback is much appreciated, but you knew that already.
5. i truly believe this is a wonderful show, perhaps one of the most wonderfulest ever. so come, celebrate. post gifs. write fic even if you've only seen season 1, just join the fun.
5. have fun!

fandom: community, !ficathon

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