Title: Scars and Sandwiches
Author: Fluff
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 783
Disclaimer: I am a nice shipper, not a mindless ship eating machine.
Feedback: I'm not sure that people realize how much feedback makes my day/night/ever. I TELL PEOPLE when I get reviews. I celebrate with food when I get the first review on a story. It makes me so so so so happy.
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Comments 6
The main thing that drove me to write this story was the thought (one I usually miss in all my "ZOMG, let's make Buffy and Angel the happiest, most in twu wuv people eva!!!" frenzy) that Angel has been through so much and that will never truly and fully go away ( ... )
Aye to the symbiotic relationship: "We're one, but we're not the same." (Yeah, my other favorite B/A-applicable quote is the entirety of that U2 song.) Angel's tragic past is part of him-- I mean, who would he even be without the brooding?
I'll let you in on something: you can pretty much place an order for a fic at any time and for any reason, indefinitely. The meme just organizes it into a system. So, short answer, yes. And omg you totally did talk up my list on your blog. Aack it's like super important visitors are coming to my house! I have to clean the whole thing!!
(I.e., THANKS and I'm headed over to that other entry now!)
And of course Angel would use too much mayo. He strikes me as an overindulger in the food department. ;)
I actually had this whole sequence planned out where Angel thinks about food, but then the story all fit together with no room for that, so it got left behind.
Thanks for the lovely comment!
Ha! Punny! Get it? Fluff?
Hey, I haven't had any coffee yet, give me a break. ;)
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