Title: Scars and Sandwiches
Author: Fluff
Rating: PG
Wordcount: 783
Disclaimer: I am a nice shipper, not a mindless ship eating machine.
Feedback: I'm not sure that people realize how much feedback makes my day/night/ever. I TELL PEOPLE when I get reviews. I celebrate with food when I get the first review on a story. It makes me so so so so happy.
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(I'd credit that quote if I knew where I got it.)
I think one of the themes emerging in your fiction (aside from happy thoughts of love), is the "glimpse of the distant future" thing you've been doing lately. It's actually kind of a welcome change from the settings I'm more used to seeing, because in addition to the story itself, there's this assurance that the last 20+ years have resolved the conflicts of the show and been a different, peaceful kind of story of their own.
What I liked about this one is that we can see the happy thoughts of love, but it's actually about Angel's inability to completely trust in it. He and Buffy have both been changed by what they've gone through and that will never go away no matter how good things get.
I also liked that they don't discuss it verbally. They can create the equivalent of a complete breakdown/catharsis/healing process just by talking about mayonnaise. That's our ship for you. :)
I was trying to decide if I agreed that this is "not your best work," and then I decided instead that I'm not really prone to thinking about things that way and it doesn't matter anyway. The point is that I read it and it made me feel good and also made me look up an old favorite quote so you could see it.
Don't be depressed! You're a great writer and btw I still have SEVEN slots on my meme, so obviously you're pretty darned popular, too. (I may take you up on that second-dip offer. Do you think you can send some of your vibes over to mine to get it a little more filled up?)
The main thing that drove me to write this story was the thought (one I usually miss in all my "ZOMG, let's make Buffy and Angel the happiest, most in twu wuv people eva!!!" frenzy) that Angel has been through so much and that will never truly and fully go away.
I like that you got all that and also that you picked up the B/A comfort thing. I wanted to show not that they've become an old married couple where their lives are routine...um, I actually did a little, but mostly I wanted to show that they've grown together and they know each other really well and now they're like those trees with those vines that grow around them and shade them: a symbiotic relationship, but two different species. What I mean by that is that Angel went through different things than Buffy did, but now they're bonded together and they know each other (one of my big things with them is that they didn't really know each other that well within canon and they needed to talk more, which is why I like to write them discussing/mind-reading) really well
So, there we go: a little angst, a little fluff, a lot of ramble. That's basically me. :-D
BTW, I'm going to talk up your list and if possible, may I place an order for another fic?
Aye to the symbiotic relationship: "We're one, but we're not the same." (Yeah, my other favorite B/A-applicable quote is the entirety of that U2 song.) Angel's tragic past is part of him-- I mean, who would he even be without the brooding?
I'll let you in on something: you can pretty much place an order for a fic at any time and for any reason, indefinitely. The meme just organizes it into a system. So, short answer, yes. And omg you totally did talk up my list on your blog. Aack it's like super important visitors are coming to my house! I have to clean the whole thing!!
(I.e., THANKS and I'm headed over to that other entry now!)
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