Title: What Music They Make
Author: Sara (
[MASTER POST]Characters & Pairings: Jacob/Bella, Edward/Bella
Rating: R
Summary: When an unexpected conflict with the Volturi brings Jacob back into her life, Bella finds that being a vampire only makes it even more complicated for her to be in love with two people.
I've lain with the devil / cursed God above / forsaken Heaven / to bring you my love )
Comments 29
I have to say, I didn't see any of it coming. I thought they were going to exchange Bella's life for sparing the werewolves, since Jacob had that dream of her burning. Not an equal deal, but that was my guess. The fascinating thing is, the Volturi are not, you know, Evil. They're not even bad. But they only have their own aims instead of the good of humanity, and that makes them bad, I suppose. Of course it'd be horrible if Bella had to join them, but it'd only be for eighty years and they do only keep peace. Hmm.
In a way, that's kind of what I think, too. :) I think there are multiple ways of looking at it and Stephenie Meyer might not even agree with me, but as far as I'm concered there's some big gray areas when it comes to the world of vampires rather than just "yellow eyes = good, red eyes = bad." But for someone like Bella who personally can't stomach the idea of humans being nothing more than dinner and was really disturbed to see what they did to Bree in Eclipse, Volterra would probably be an extremely unpleasant environment to live in for so long.
Thanks for the comment, I'm glad you're liking the fic. :D
Thanks so much! :D
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