everything old is new again

Jul 12, 2006 10:01

Having a truly appalling memory is often a bad thing. Like, for instance, when it means I head off to cross an international border and forget to bring my passport (that mistake cost me nearly $300), or when I can't remember someone's name even after I've not only been introduced to them twice, but also had dinner at their house (seriously - total ( Read more... )

well alright then

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Comments 14

swmbo July 12 2006, 14:16:17 UTC
Man, I'm actually a little jealous of that! I have a randomnly bad memory, but the stuff I'd LIKE to forget so I can re-experience it never stays gone !

15 days! Eek!

Email me your address again and I'll get those dvds out to you Saturday!


flowery_twat July 12 2006, 14:54:59 UTC
726 Elm St, east lansing mi 48823

At this point I don't care who knows it. :-)

It's so fun having no memory - I'm all 'Caritas got blowed up?!?' *gasp* Hee. I was even worried for a bit that Fred would go home with her family cause I couldn't remember why she stayed. :-)

Although it does mean I am utterly useless at anything that involves remembering movie quotes, for example. I can't even recite bits of Monty Python dialog. EVERYONE knows Monty Python dialog.


ljs July 12 2006, 16:10:25 UTC
Heee. Your memory is v.v. convenient!

(And do you like the new Doctor Who? As in, Season Two, with Tennant, right?)


flowery_twat July 12 2006, 17:00:01 UTC
I completely and utterly adore the New Who. RTD and BBC Wales have done a lovely, wonderful, amazing job of updating the series and I heart it so. Which is why I can't watch these last two episodes. Not only will they be utterly devastating (I'm just spoiled enough to know I'll be sobbing and wailing), but then it'll be nearly a whole year before S3 starts and I really feel very strongly that 8 or 9 month hiatuses should NOT be allowed. I know we'll get Torchwood in the interim, but still!

Hence my retreat to a verse where the character death/exile to alternate dimensions and the agonizing hiatuses are long past. Whatever I don't remember, at least I don't have to face waiting three long, miserable months to find out if Wes survived having his throat slit. Huzzah for small mercies. :-)


ljs July 12 2006, 17:04:51 UTC
You are v.v. wise. :-)

I'm loving Season Two of New Who, but I'm only through Girl in the Fireplace. (Can't download, so am buying the no-frills DVDs from Amazon.co.uk.) I'm v.v excited about the rest of the season, though...

[hugs for your move, which I forgot to say]


flowery_twat July 12 2006, 17:41:38 UTC
And you've seen all of S1? I do love David Tennant, but CE will always and forever be *my* Doctor, in exactly the way that AtS will always be *my* show. I'm a sucker for a black coat and some serious guilt-trippin', what can I say? :-)

I've also been netflixing as much 5th Doctor as I can get my hands on. Peter Davidson was my first Doctor as a kid and I'm still quite fond of him. And Tegan wears some pretty cute outfits. Hee.


gwynnega July 12 2006, 17:44:45 UTC
the last two episodes of Doctor Who, which I know will break my heart into teeny little pieces.

Yes. Yes, they will!


flowery_twat July 12 2006, 17:50:28 UTC
Ha ha ha. Gee thanks, Gwynne. That's ever so helpful. Now I'll have no trouble watching. *snerk*

If it weren't for the fact that not having watched means I can't read any new fic, or read any of my Doctor Who communities, I'd be happy to just not watch until S3 is about to start airing. I hate even the *thought* of something happening to Rose. Gah!


gwynnega July 12 2006, 17:53:09 UTC
Heeee. But of course you should watch 'em! And then you can recuperate by watching some nice Old Skool Who, like City of Death or The Mind Robber...


flowery_twat July 12 2006, 18:00:43 UTC
I'm not having a problem with the recuperation. I've just started on the Key to Time series, which is about as far removed from heartbreaking as it gets. I'm just not sure I can inflict the wound on myself in the first place. I'd rather live in a universe where Rose and the Doctor keep travelling together forever. Is that so bad?


notpiecebypiece July 13 2006, 20:11:40 UTC
hi! This is super random, but I'm a friend of throughadoor and smartlikejustin, and I'm doing research about grad schools in media studies. One of my professors recommended MIT, and I heard you had some experience with the school. I have some specific questions but don't want to be too personal or nosey on your public livejournal, so if you have the time/inclination, my email is bunny.vanbunnington@gmail.com

thanks :)


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