This is America, ain't it? Who the fuck's stoppin' ya?

Sep 24, 2010 09:03

Oh god. Please, please believe me when I say I did not type this long entry out all in one sitting. It was a week's process-a long proper week's process. I even documented my progress on Tumblr and Twitter multiple times. I have proof. I can show you the receipts. I also may have driven myself mad plenty of times while writing and cried blood but ( Read more... )

rubicon, mad men, brighter discontent, television, the vampire diaries, undercovers, boardwalk empire, geekdom, caprica

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Comments 72

romancandles September 24 2010, 18:39:06 UTC
Oh my god are they going there with Peggy and Don? I've seen rumblings but chalked it up to the usual fandom-is-ship-crazy. I really didn't get that vibe at all, but maybe it's because I don't want to see it. Peggy is probably my favorite character (and Pete) and I'd hate to see her fall for Don's destructive tendencies. Also, I'm somewhat enjoying the Anna/Don relationship progression.

Undercovers! I watched it last night and LOVED IT. I generally reserve that kind of show for USA but it was adorable and I want more of everyone all the time. I really hope it gets a full season ( ... )


flowerings September 24 2010, 19:04:20 UTC
It's honestly a great assumption based on my part but I WOULDN'T PUT IT PAST THEM. Don and Peggy's relationship was been slowly growing over the past few seasons and, while she doesn't know about his past, they share things others do not know. So I can easily foresee a Don/Peggy union, lol.

I AM GLAD YOU ENJOYED IT! I also reserve this type of show for USA but, ah, I think it's so wonderful and I can't wait for next week. I know it'll build upon itself. I have hope. :D

LOL you really should. I watched episodes 2-5 while surfing the Internet and I learnt nothing from them but, when I went back to watch during the marathon, things made sense. I didn't think it possible but things started making sense with me and dots were connecting and I got all excited. It's a slow show but it's slowly getting more and more rewarding. I love Maggie so she better be back even if she's not working as Will's assistant. Tanya also need to hurry up and come back from rehab. ANDIE WAS A BREATH OF FRESH AIR, HONESTLY. I am glad they introduced her last ( ... )


calikalie September 24 2010, 19:14:53 UTC
This post is a thing of beauty. I am hard-pressed to find anything here that I disagree with. Amazing. I especially agree with you about the HBIC rant. I might be more receptive to the term if it wasn't used to prop up female characters for their "toughness" and demean those who show even the smallest hint of traditionally "feminine" traits. The ability to kick someone's ass physically is not the defining trait of a "strong" (god, I'm using the quote symbol far too much in here) character. Like you said, there is more than one definition or one perception of what makes a strong character. To be honest, I find fandom's perception of what defines strong female characters to be incredibly narrow.

Regarding Mad Men, the whole Blankenship subplot saved the episode for me. I kind of needed those moments of levity, which is funny, because only this show could have a subplot about a secretary dying and make it hilarious. And yes, more Pete indeed, but as always he is golden in those few seconds he has been on screen these past few episodes ( ... )


flowerings September 24 2010, 19:38:42 UTC
I am pleased you enjoyed this post, Kalie. You don't know how often I thought about quitting as I wrote this through Google Docs-which, in hindsight, I am glad I did due to recent computer problems-because it was getting ridiculous to load everyday to finish thoughts and add new ideas. I was seriously getting stressed out over this even though I don't reserve the same feelings with my school work. That's another reason why academia and I are bitter revivals. You are so right with the whole idea of HBIC. I would've been okay with the term if people didn't use it against other female characters but they don't. It's just depressing seeing how sexism is so internalized with women.-I mean, I am no way the 'perfect' feminist and I'll never be because 'perfect' doesn't exist but I at least realize there are multiple ways to be strong and, if men can have different categories for that, why can't we do the same with women? GOD, FANDOM MAKES MY HEAD HURT ( ... )


aragons September 24 2010, 19:41:54 UTC
Oh lord, so many of your feelings are my feelings it's ridiculous. Okay, so for the shows on here that I have watched/got caught up with. First up FRINGE. OH MAN JUST NO WORDS. I LOVE THIS SHOW I LOVE IT SO MUCH. You're so right when you say that it's scifi but there's something else to it that makes it so watchable? Just, the chemistry of the cast and the quality of the acting make this show so wonderful to watch ( ... )


flowerings September 24 2010, 20:13:59 UTC
IF I COULD KISS YOU RIGHT NOW I SO WOULD. It's been a pleasure having everyone understand what I am getting at with HBIC. It was an interesting concept at one point but everyone has used it for their own hateful reasons that I can't support the term without giving myself some internal side eye. I hate having that awkward disconnect with the term. I hate awkward disconnects period so I often try my hardest just to avoid using the term since I can never tell how others are using it. IDK. I just wish fandom would stop making up their own definitions of things. We would lose what makes fandom fandom but I would, at least, know where everyone is coming from without having to do some serious second guessing.

But, yes, TELEVISION! I am glad you also understand what I am getting at regarding Fringe. You just can't write it off as a 'sci-fi' series because it's more than that. I didn't mention it above but I love the Walter-Astrid relationship as well. They just have the best friendship ever and they developed a strong almost father/daughter ( ... )


aurora_84 September 24 2010, 20:49:08 UTC
and his token lens flare moment made an appearance eighteen minutes into the program.
I literally clapped my hands in glee when it appeared! LENS FLARE FTW.


flowerings September 24 2010, 21:11:51 UTC
We need some serious lens flare anonymous.


aurora_84 September 24 2010, 23:22:14 UTC

I also just finished the Fringe season opener and OH OLIVIA. Did not see that plot direction coming.

But, seriously though, how hasn't Walter and Peter caught on re: Alt!Olivia.
That's the only thing that annoyed me. I expected better from you, Peter! >:(


flowerings September 25 2010, 06:36:39 UTC
LOL ikr. I am suppose to believe Peter can't tell the difference between the Olivias suddenly. He practically gave them a psych evaluation during last season's finale.


mortnme September 24 2010, 22:17:56 UTC
I've been watching Rubicon every week and I still can't tell if I truly enjoy it or not. It's something to do and is less bad than other TV shows, but I think if I am disappointed with the finale I won't stick around for another season, if there is one.

I know I already said this about Boardwalk Empire, but bah! One more episode and I decide if I keep up or not.

Mad Men! A whole lot of nothing happened in the first few episodes, but now shit's starting to go down and I'm really liking it.

I am so happy that Caprica is premiering in Oct, I try and stay away from all promotion and marketting and basically everything to do with it other than the show because it's all been bad. I'm shocked that they gave it a second season, the idiots. I hope it doesn't disappoint the faithful viewers.

Lastly! L&O UK! I had no idae it was back on, I missed 3 episodes already but I am so looking forward to catching up this weekend when I grab them.


flowerings September 25 2010, 06:48:21 UTC
I understand why you wouldn't know whether or not you enjoy Rubicon. It didn't dawn on me that I like liked it until a couple weeks ago, lol.


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