Of The Birds and The Bees... and It's Importance

May 03, 2012 18:02

Pairing: hint of chibi!yunjae. No actual interaction of pairing on fics. Except Mr and Mrs. Jung.
Genre: fluff, humor
Rating: G
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, but the characters aren't mine
Summary: Mr and Mrs. Jung thought it’s not yet the time to explain about the birds and the bees to their little Yunho. But when one day little Yunho come with a ( Read more... )

pairing: yunjae, length:oneshot

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Comments 23

asalieangel May 3 2012, 11:15:42 UTC
LMAO CHIBI!YUNHO IS SO CUTE~ You go get your joongie pregenant yunnie, all you have to do is puut SOMETHING in SOMEWHERE XD

mems <3


flow_is_me135 May 5 2012, 17:20:56 UTC
Apparently, they didn't know their something could do just that.
Thanks for reading ;)


chloe1910 May 3 2012, 11:21:45 UTC
hahaha, I wanna squish chibi!Yunho so badly cause he's sooooooo cute with his curiosity and innocence.


flow_is_me135 May 5 2012, 17:21:57 UTC
you can't resist the him at any form XD
thank you for reading :)


cassyunjae May 3 2012, 12:58:44 UTC
Haha. Cute boy..! Poor father/mother.
Thank you for sharing.


flow_is_me135 May 5 2012, 17:22:41 UTC
I know, yunho is forever cute <3
Thanks for reading ;)


donud May 3 2012, 13:10:16 UTC
Omo naaaa YunHo baby so cute.. To cute!! Wanna squish his chubby cheek!!!


flow_is_me135 May 5 2012, 17:23:08 UTC
Yunho is always so cute!
Thank you for reading X)


rethzneworld May 3 2012, 13:21:35 UTC
cute yunho is cute~ XD


flow_is_me135 May 5 2012, 17:23:30 UTC
always so cute~XD


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