Adherence [2/5]

Feb 23, 2012 20:49

Pairing: Yunho x Jaejoong
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, but the characters aren't mine
Summary: When a hired assassin falls for an investigator. Will he continue the tale, or surrender for love?
Beta-ed by girldevil
Length: 2/5
A/N: I suggest you to read the first installment. Please visit my masterlist.
Poster Credit: markieyumeutau

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pairing: yunjae, title: adherence, length:chaptered

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Comments 5

miszc February 23 2012, 16:05:42 UTC
annoying? :DD hm. Not really! Just its been sometimes and I reread first chappie before reading this. xDD but things aren't that bad, rite? I mean they still can talk and joke around. And HoMin X really know Jae's true identity, I guess. So, Jae's plan of protecting them still works. The surprise is that Changmin can cook, very well! ;) LOL but the truth is many people can bake, but phail at cooking.

Update soon! :D And Fighting! x))


ferfiefel February 23 2012, 16:22:13 UTC
Awwwww i feel for jae. Yunho is a bit distant...but since jae kinda made him lose trust in the first place, i can't really blame him. I foresee a rocky path ahead of yunjae hmm? Hope things will get better! <3


snow_meow February 23 2012, 17:31:37 UTC
I feel so sad for Jae especially when Yunho asks why they are in this trade.

I feel like Jaejoong needs love. Junsu's love is not enough for him which is why he is such an emotional person that needs rules to protect him from his emotions.


nosy_duck February 24 2012, 11:17:40 UTC
uooooh, its difficult to gain yunho's trust

fighting jaejoong!!!


coychick December 23 2012, 05:38:15 UTC
I hope you're not planning to drop this story......

It's really good. I hope you update soon ;)


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