Adherence [2/5]

Feb 23, 2012 20:49

Pairing: Yunho x Jaejoong
Genre: Angst
Rating: PG-13
Disclaimer: The plot is mine, but the characters aren't mine
Summary: When a hired assassin falls for an investigator. Will he continue the tale, or surrender for love?
Beta-ed by girldevil
Length: 2/5
A/N: I suggest you to read the first installment. Please visit my masterlist.
Poster Credit: markieyumeutau

- Chapter 2 ; A life with you -

It’s been a weird day for Jaejoong. After a long hour of crying and begging, somehow he ended up here on the second floor of Yunho’s office, sitting on Yunho’s couch. After he said ‘yes’ out of habit to please Yunho, somehow he ended up waiting for Yunho to come back with Junsu after he packed up some clothes from their apartment. Why Junsu and not him? He’s wondering if Yunho hate him for real now.

“Are you done sulking?” Jaejoong snapped his head to Changmin’s direction. The younger man was sitting on the dining table with his arms crossed.

“I’m not sulking.” He pouted. After what happen this afternoon, it didn’t seem to affect the way Changmin spoke and acted around him. He was still the same rude-know-it-all Changmin.

“Yeah. You are just heart broken.” He pouted even more. “Why don’t you just make yourself useful since you’re going to stay here for a long time. Cook something, hyung.”

He almost smiled. Almost. Finally, somebody is sane enough to know that he’s good enough at cooking and requested him to cook. But then he remembered what Junsu told him before he went out with Yunho and Yoochun, ‘don’t touch any cooking utensils while I’m gone.’

He pouted even more. “I can’t.” He said to Changmin. He may looked stubborn, but he actually listened really well to what Junsu said. Because... well, Junsu always told him the truth. So if he said not to do anything, then he would listen.

“Ah?” He saw Changmin lifted up his eyebrows. Jaejoong decided to explain even before Changmin started to asked him anything. “I can’t cook.” He said with a little distaste. Well, he can cook. It’s just that nobody seemed to appreciate his cooking skill.

There’s a sound of chair scratching on the tile and suddenly Changmin standing right in front of him. “What kind of nonsense is that? I know you’re sulking and all, but I’m hungry, and I know you can cook.” Changmin started to grabbed his hand and dragged him to the kitchen. And Jaejoong is more than happy to oblige.

* * * * *

“Just remind me to never let you cook again.” Somehow, in the process of cooking, Jaejoong is now sitting at the dinner table, and Changmin is the one who’s busy making things at the kitchen instead.

“Why? I can cook just fine.”

“Of course you can cook just fine. You just accidentally use snow sugar instead of salt while cooking kimchi jiggae and made it taste like fruit soup!” He heard a sound of something clattering in the kitchen, probably from Changmin who is throwing some pan out of stress.

“I didn’t know that you keep snow sugar at your kitchen. I didn’t even think that you would ever need to use one!” He tried to defend himself.

“I never think that we would have one either.” A violent chopping sound. “One day, Yunho hyung went to buy sugar for his tea, but he come back with snow sugar for icing instead.”

He froze after he heard Changmin mentioned Yunho’s name. “Maybe he just wanted to made those cute things on top of his tea, like how a barista did their latte art?”

“Yeah, of course hyung. I believe in you.”

“Believe on what?” He jumped a little when he suddenly heard Yunho’s voice from the door. He was too absorbed on his silly talking with Changmin that he didn’t realize the sound of the door.

“Nothing.” He said, avoiding eye contacts with Yunho.

“Why is Changmin cooking?”

“Because Jaejoong hyung can’t cook.” A distinct reply came from the kitchen.

“You can’t cook?” He blushed when he realized that Yunho was eyeing him, wide eyes full with disbelieve. He wanted to answer, but his voice won’t come out. And while he was still struggling to talk, Junsu decided to answer the question for him instead. “Not as far as I know it.”

“But you can baked sweets?”

He shrugged. “It’s just... different?” He paused. “Why is this suddenly about my cooking skill? At least I could make something decent.”

“He’s right.” Changmin came out from the kitchen bringing one bowl with what seems like Jaejoong’s kimchi jiggae. “At least it’s edible. Why don’t you try to eat it, hyung?”

Jaejoong suddenly feel the urge to stop Yunho’s from eating his jiggae. Not because it doesn’t taste good. Of course not! But he’s not even done making it when Changmin suddenly stopped him and drag him out of the kitchen. “Yunho?” He called with a small, almost frightened voice. He didn’t even understand what he was afraid of.

“Hmm?” The other looked up from his soup before he could eat it.

“Don’t eat it?”

But Yunho ate it anyway. Pausing for a while after the spoon entered his mouth. Grimaced, and then looking at him with disbelief. “you really can’t cook, can you?”

“Hehehe,” He made a strained laughing sound.

* * * * *

Dinner went out really well after Changmin decided to cook on Jaejoong’s behalf. Changmin is surprisingly good with his cooking.

“We should talk.” Yunho said when they finished cleaning up the table.

His heart skipped a beat. He knew that Yunho won’t stop investigating just because he agreed to live there at their office. But he is, of course, hoping that Yunho wouldn’t bring it up.

“Can’t we talk about it tomorrow?” Junsu answered instead. He was glad that his brother know how hard it is for him to face Yunho right now.

There was a brief silence before he saw Yunho nodded and and headed towards the stairs. “Where are you going?” He didnt want the serious talk, but that doesn’t mean he didn’t want Yunho around.


“You’re not staying here?”

“Changmin is. I need to go home and look after Taepoong.”

With what happened this afternoon, he didn’t dare to ask him to stay. Instead, Jaejoong followed him downstair quietly.

“Yunho?” He called the younger man timidly, almost like whispering. But Yunho heard it and turn around to face him with a questioning look. “Is it... is it okay... if I hug you?” It may be a little too much to ask. He already betrayed Yunho’s trust for him but his feeling for Yunho is real and he wanted him to know that much.

There was no reply and he was about to give up when Yunho was suddenly in front of him and hugged him gently. “Do you want me to stay here?” Yunho whispered softly.

The feeling of gratitude because Yunho still want to stay close with him is very overwhelming, he couldn’t manage to answer that simple question. He nodded his head and quickly hid his teary face on Yunho’s chest.

“Will you promise me something if I stay here?”

He nodded.

“Don’t do it anymore.”

He nodded and smiled a little, “I said it once to you, but I’m going to repeat it once again. For you, I’m willing to do anything.”

* * * * *

“Doesn’t seem like he’s the one who did it.” Jaejoong faintly heard pieces of Changmin and Yunho’s conversation. He continued to stir his cream puff filling, hoping that both of them had not realized that he could hear them.

“Not this one. But I’m pretty sure about the other case.”

The conversation turned into a slight whispering that Jaejoong couldn’t catch what they’re talking about, until he heard “not enough proof to get him though”, a door sounded, and then Yunho was walking to the kitchen.

“Making something?” The younger man asked while making himself a cup of coffee.

“Yeah, Changmin asked me to make cream puffs.”

There was a comfortable silence after that. He could hear the chair and saw Yunho taking a seat from his peripheral vision.

“Do you feel like talking now?” Yunho spoke.

It took him a while before he realized what Yunho meant by that. “Well, if you don’t mind waiting for a bit. I’m almost finish with my cream puffs.”

* * * * *

“I don’t know who that man is, seriously.” Jaejoong was moping the floor while talking to Yunho and Changmin. After he was done with his cream puffs, he decided to do the talking while mopping the floor. Part of it because he’s so nervous, and he couldn’t stand talking with such a serious topic. At least mopping eased him a bit while having the conversation.

“So how did you know he was there? Before Yoochun caught you and scared him away?” Yunho asked him.

“Well, not really that clueless actually. I at least know who might send them to you. So I came here checking it out every now and then.”


“It’s a part of our rule that name is not allowed to be mentioned.”

And it’s a part of our rule too to keep every information a secret from outsiders. But Jaejoong didn’t mention that one to either Changmin or Yunho.

“Not even to us?” There are times where Yunho was staring at him. But it only last for a while before the latter move his eyes to the letter once again.

“Rules are rules, Yunho. It’s our ethic. I love you so much but it’s part of our rules that I can’t break. Do you want another cup of coffee?” He asked Yunho when he finally finished moping the floor.

“I want some cake!” He heard Changmin answering instead.

He laughed, “I just made you cream puffs.”

“There’s always place for more.”

“You just want me to always bake for you. I take it that I’m your maid.”

“You’re not. But since that is a good idea, I might consider having you as a maid here.”

Jaejoong felt delighted towards Changmin since he acts like as if nothing wrong happened. Yunho also spoke casually just like they usually do but he knew that Yunho was disappointed at him and he didn’t show it.

He put a cup of pure black coffee in front of Yunho. The other still concentrating on his case, just like before.

“Aren’t you tired?”

“Aren’t you?” He lifted his eyebrows at Yunho’s question. “You’ve been cleaning up the whole office since this morning. I bet you’re even more tired than I am.”

“Not really” He shrugged. “It’s just weird when I have nothing else to do.”

He decided to take a break from his job at the cafe for a while. Thinking that maybe right now is not the good time to work. He really needed to gain Yunho’s trust back.

Changmin strongly denied his request to take a permanent leave from the cafe and Yunho asked him to think about his decision once again. And the fact that the cafe is where Jaejoong saw Yunho for the first time, he decided that he would love to come back to work sometimes later. So he told Aerin that he want to get a little break from work.

“I told you to just go to work.”

“Nah, don’t think it’s the right time to work. I’ll just help you here. Ask me anything.” He knew that Yunho and Changmin tried to cut the fact that he’s not an innocent waitress and with him providing information made it hard for them to act ignorant but he really wanted to help Yunho. Even if that might cost him a lot.

He saw Yunho eyeing him for a while before the later turn his head back to the paper work. “How did you communicate with them?”

“Through letter.”

“Letter?” Changmin said from his table, lifting one of his eyebrows with disbelief.

“Yep.” He took out his cellphone from the pocket and typed something before showing his phone to Yunho. “Not to my address.”

“It’s addressed to the cafe...”

“That’s a reason why I changed my workplace a lo. Free time is not the only reason.”

He typed another thing on his phone before showing it to Changmin and Yunho once again. “That’s the address of places where I worked before. I can’t tell you names, but I could at least let you investigate it.”

Changmin quickly took the phone from him and soon, a furious typing sound could be heard from his table.

He stared at Yunho, waiting for another question.

“You know what would happen if we leak this information to the police right?”

His body gone stiff from Yunho’s next question. He already prepared himself for chances like this to happen, but to actually hear it from Yunho is a different thing. But he knows it’s the best thing for Yunho and Changmin. The more they hide the fact that him and Junsu are wanted serial killer, the more the risk they would take later on. “I’m aware of that.”

He stared at Yunho some more. The man never lifted his head once to look at him and that ached his heart. “I’m already prepared, since the first time I met you. Can you at least erase Junsu’s name from the record?”

This time Yunho actually raised his head from the paper. Looking at him like he’s alien with a super size head. “It would be sad for him to live alone, but it’s better than to go behind the bar with me.” He shrugged.

“You said it like it was some kind of vacation.”

“It’s easier when you think of it as a long vacation rather than some kind of punishment.” He roseup from his seat, walking to the laundry room to bring the freshly washed clothes and hang it on the rooftop.

He took his time hanging the clothes, trying to avoid the topic but with no avail.

“Don’t you ever regret it?”

He heard Yunho’s voice from the stairs behind him. He was too absorbed with hanging clothes that he didn’t realize Yunho was going after him.

“Never regret choices that you made, that is our family rule.” Although, he didn’t mention to Yunho that lately he felt it.

“Your family sure have a lot of rules.”

He turned his body to face Yunho. The younger man is leaning against the railing, looking as handsome as he does. “Junsu said I need rules so I won’t stray.”


“I’m not like Junsu. Or you. I’m working based on what I feel. And with my work, I can’t mix personal emotions in it or I won’t make it.” Like with you. Jaejoong think loudly on his head.

If he had never met Yunho, all of this would have never happened. He would still be a regular free lancer with a nasty underground work. But that’s all. He won’t let his feeling gett mixed up on his work and ruined everything. It may not be everyone’s dream job, but it’s his job.

“Can we talk about the truth today?” Yunho asked him with a really gentle tone. The only time Jaejoong heard Yunho speaks like that is the night before.

“Only today?” He asked with a half smile on his mouth.

“That depends on the answer that I got.”

“Well, shoot me.” He crossed his arms across his chest, as if challenging Yunho to give him a difficult question.


It’s only one word. But it was enough to make Jaejoong think about a lot of things. What started all of this? “I would like to know about it myself. One day my parents were gone and the next day a man in black took us in.”

“I’m sure you wanted to know who they are,” he continued, “but that’s the other thing that I want to know as well. They only trained us for years and after that, there were a lot of things to do coming to my work place. I figured that means I can’t stay at one place or your kind would have caught me.” That’s the truth. Kind of.

“Are you happy with my answer?” a pained smile come out from his mouth. Remembering his parents always hurt.

He saw something on Yunho’s eyes. There is doubt and a glimpse of worry. He knew that Yunho was not quite happy with his answer but it seems like he thinks it enough for the day. “I do. For now.”

“Can I get my hug?” He asked Yunho, his arms already open wide, waiting for Yunho to hug him.

He felt a brief hug, and then he was alone at the rooftop.


a/n: This chapter is very hard, complicated and hard to write. I write up to 4pages before I erased it, typed again, erased again, but I'm still not satisfied. So irritating! Hahahahaha. Anyway, in case you are wondering, Yunho probably already know (you can't be too sure, hehehe) that Jaejoong is an assassin, and as you could read, Jaejoong think that Yunho was trying to act nonchalant about it. Well, knowing Yunho, he actually thinking about a lot of thing. That's why, while investigating Jaejoong's job, he tried to act as if he's just another informant like Yoochun. If there's anything that you want to ask, ask away! This chapter is an annoying filler chapter. Even for me. Hahahahahaha

pairing: yunjae, title: adherence, length:chaptered

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