FINE. How do we move without losing our community?

Aug 03, 2007 00:19

So, strikethroughs again.

Assuming the link I was given to Pond's art is accurate (the piece with the holding hands underneath? Is that right?), that there is only underage smut if you assume (DH spoiler ahoy) *that because Snape dies before Harry turns 18 and obviously there is no such thing as AU, he's definitely underage.* I would have thought one of the artists that does art that's more young-looking would have been targeted first.


Okay, so the reason we haven't been ready to actually pick up stakes and move until now, is that we need to pick a place, and how on earth do we all go there and not lose each other and and BAH.

So, I have a plan/proposal. Mabe more of a thought. It's probably fairly broken because organizing is not my thing, but maybe if a lot of people come talk and think and stuff, we can make a plan that works, even if doing anything with it right this minute is premature. I was thinking, okay. The problem is how to all find each other places we move to, because some of us have different usernames and some of us have 500 friends and that's hard and stuff. Just "pick up and go" probably means losing a lot of the community,and that's the important part anyway. So how do we go coherently with less damage to our web of relationships?

I'm thinking maybe we can use things like comms and fests that already exist here to help ourselves orient elsewhere, by perhaps using LJ mainly to link offsite. There are fests that have a lot of watchers, and they could choose to set themselves up an account on whatever is the prevailing other journal site. They could USE their existing accounts here to point to the fest there, which would get everyone over there and once there folks could friend/join. Same for comms, and really, same for personal accounts. I could start posting at GJ or IJ right now, and use my LJ just to link to those posts. This way folks who have me friended here would be directed right to me over there, and could friend if they want, and I could do the same, and we could find each other in comments to various posts over there and after a while, our flists at (wherever) would be a lot like the ones here.

And then we could all back up our LJs over time, either backdating at wherever or otherwise archiving fics and so forth, possibly f-locking anything we wanted to leave here. And then, in like, oh, at the end of the year, we could just all pick up stakes and leave. And all send the same letter to 6A as to why. Possibly actually deleting our accounts and comms, or perhaps just abandoning them with a giant post that says GONE TO (OTHER JOURNAL) BACK NEVER.

Maybe I'm all wet, but for me, the reason moving is scary is how will I ever FIND you all again? *clings* And I figure the only way to do it without losing the really valuable part is to start helping each other find us with lots of advance warning.And I know we're all fragmented, with many multifandom people who have other friends not ready to go anywhere, so maybe it's not time yet,though damn, I'd be a lot more comfortable if I didn't think that LJ could and would find something I forgot I posted three years ago in a comm I no longer watch and delete and ban me without warning.

Hm. A poll, then. It's totally okay for your answers to be that I am just way off the mark and crazy and no one wants to do this and even if we did it's totally premature. But we all keep talking about it, and three times has to be the charm for this stuff, doesn't it?

Poll Where to, then?

I'm mostly figuring with thousands of us here, if we are going to at any point gather up and move, we're going to need to plan ahead of time, or splinter, possibly irrevocably, which would be sad. I'm not proposing anyone start right this second or anything.


Assorted ETAs:

1. fandom_flies

2. I agree, the laws will be enforced anywhere. However, it is not unreasonable to expect that the parts that aren't law won't be, nor that the people running the place will not up and change and apply new TOS without rational warning (As of last week, there was a ruling that online entities cannot require customers to comply with new TOS that are only updated on the site without clear specific warning, though I am not sure whether that is applicable to 6A/California specifically--either way, it shows that conceptually there is at least some legal support for the concept that communicating with a user base before changing policies is the right way to go). Yes, they have always had the right to TOS anyone. However, until recently, they also had the sense to mostly not just do so for iffy reasons.

3. Whether or not this art was illegal is pretty dang questionable, and last month Burr86 (the guy who made the clarification post) said definitely that questionable stuff would not result in summary dismissal, but would be perhaps a temporary suspension until the user had the opportunity to either move the offending work or defend why it wasn't illegal.

4. My point here was, if we all started pointing to elsewhere, soon enough it would become clearer where we were all settling, helping us to work out where to settle.

5. How to COPY your entire LJ contents (with some cautions about things that don't move/don't move well): It copies your entries and backdates them so as not to spam your flist there, to any of the places that use the LJ open source code.

6. twocorpses has a new site built and in beta. See their LJ for details.
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