Phone Call

Nov 06, 2007 16:41

Title: Phone Call
Prompt: #37 - Are you really listening?
Pairing: Jack/Ianto
Spoilers: Casting spoiler for S2.
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 468
Summary: Jack recieves a phonecall. Ianto answers. Naughtiness ensues.
Disclaimer: Not mine, never has been, never will be.
A/N: Ooh, she's going to hell for this one! No matter, as long as it means my horrible writers block has been broken, or at least shifted slightly.

Prompt Table o'Doom

‘Hello?’ There’s a voice on the other end of the line, tired and impatient sounding and definitely not Jack. Martha startles from her reverie.

‘Hello?’ They’re asking again. No, he. He’s asking again.

‘Oh, sorry, hello! Is- Is Jack about?’ He on the other end makes a tutting noise and there are some thumping sounds that sound a lot like footsteps.

‘Just a minute’ She wonders if Jack’s gone and given her the number for Torchwood’s head office or something. That would be like him. Then again, the voice does sound distinctly welsh.

There’s a long pause and he’s back on the phone.

‘I’m sorry, Jack isn’t available at the moment. Can I take a messa-’ The sentence is cut of in a high-pitched squeak and the clatter of the phone being dropped.

‘S-sorry about that’ He on the other end says and she can hear his breath is hitched slightly.

‘Just let him know Martha rang okay? It’s about the offer we we’re discussing’ There’s the sound of a pen scratching and the deep breathing.

‘Sorry, what was the name again?’ His voice is tight like he’s trying to resist something.

‘Martha. Martha Jones. He knows me’ She adds quickly, as if it were in any doubt.

‘I’m sure he does’ She can’t help but notice there definitely seems to be something wrong with his ability to speak. Or perhaps his ability to breathe. He’s having difficulty with both apparently.

‘Listen, I don’t mean to pry, but are you okay? Only you seem a little uncomfortable...’ He responds with a squeak that sounds something like the word “fine”.

‘Sorry, but you really don’t sound well...’ He gasps slightly and there’s another clatter as the phone falls yet again. Then there’s a noise rather like the water being sucked out of the bathtub and Jack’s on the phone. She can almost hear him smiling.

‘Martha love, I’m sure Ianto appreciates your concern but he’s just fine, I promise’ There’s a muffled groan in the background and what sounds too much like flesh hitting flesh for Martha’s liking.

‘Wait a second! He just told me you were unavailable’ She suspects she will regret this sentence.

‘It’s rude to talk with your mouth full. Didn't your mother ever teach you that?’ The realisation hits Martha like a ton of bricks.

‘I don’t think that’s quite what my mother had in mind’ Jack is silent for a long moment and then seems to be so close to the phone she can hear his breath echoing down the line.

‘Listen, I’m gonna have to call you back okay?’ The phone goes dead with a resounding clunk, but not before she hears both men break into hysterical laughter.

She stares at the phone a full minute before she hangs up and starts packing.

set2music, martha jones, ianto jones, jack/ianto, jack harkness

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