(no subject)

Dec 03, 2007 17:18

Title: The Doctor Drinks (and Dances)
Rating: PG
Disclaimer: Sadly enough, I will not be recieving the exclusive rights to the show come December 25th.
Summary: In which Martha discovers a thing or two about the Doctor and still comes up second best.
Prompts: 1) Pocobrita--the celebration of the dawning of a planet's littlest sun--it looks like the size of a tennis ball because it is so far away, but it rises every ten years and there is much rejoicing.
2) Reference to or contact with a well-known historic or public figure.
Authors Notes: For the lifeonmartha holiday ficafest. Crack with an alcoholic centre. Un-beta'd. All insanity completely my own!

‘What is it?’ Martha asked eyeing the glass suspiciously as the Doctor poured a large measure of violent pink liquid into it.

‘Hyper - er, something. Drink up!’ He grinned and downed his own glass in one, smacking his lips.

‘Sorry, explain this to me again?’ She stared at her still full glass and up at the Doctor who sighed and leant against the rail.

‘Martha, if you can’t enjoy a real proper alien party - just like you wanted mind you - then I’ve half a mind to take you straight back to the TARDIS and go somewhere I’ll enjoy’ He rolled his eyes and poured himself another measure of the pink liquid.

‘Oh, and where would you rather be?’ She retorted, feeling testy. He took a long sip of his drink and seemed to be thinking long and hard.

‘Jane Austen’ He announced finally. ‘And... and! I bet she’d love to come to the festival of Pocobrita and drink alcohol with me and dance and we could talk about literature or... or... or...’ He trailed off and took another sip.

Martha stared at him for a moment before she lifted the glass to her lips and drained the entire contents, shivering as the fumes filled her head and she felt herself speeding towards inebriation.

‘That’ She finally managed to say ‘tastes like bleach’ the Doctor grinned and filled her glass again..

‘Just you wait, what comes next is even funner-er...’ He hiccuped and giggled and tried say the sentence again, eventually giving in and pouring the last of the bottle into his glass.

‘You’re drunk!’ She squealed with delight, as he seemed to lose control of his legs and fell heavily onto the railing.

‘Course not! I don’t get drunk, me!’ He lifted his full glass to her empty one and clinked them hard, splashing most of the contents of his down his front. ‘Merry Christmas!’

‘S’not christmas’ She replied, smiling at his crestfallen face.

‘Oh, no. I s’pose it’s not’ He sighed sadly and finished the glass, setting it down on the tray of the closest waiter.

‘See that Martha!’ He pointed to a bright light in the sky which seemed to be the cause of much hysterical cheering from the crowds below.

‘It’s just a star...’ She trailed off at his stern look.

‘That star... is like... whoosh, bang... brilliant!’ He gestured wildly with his hands for some time before leaning back on the railing, apparently defeated.

‘More drink’ Martha said sternly, and quickly enough discovered a bottle in her hand, this time blue, and disturbingly enough, smoking.

‘Oh! Oh, I love this one!’ The Doctor grabbed her hand and pulled her on to the dance floor, where he engaged in a rather undignified rendition of the macarena, stopping only to laugh loudly and steal gulps from the smoking bottle still in her hand.

‘Doctor... Doctor, I can’t feel my legs’ She was well aware of the rising panic in her voice but seemed unable to engage her brain to feel any other kind of emotion besides pleasantly fuzzy. She supposed somewhere she must be worried, judging by the hysteria in her words.

‘Not to worry, Perfectly normal... uh, just wait a moment’ He spluttered and promptly fell over.

Holding his arms up in a gesture that suggested he needed no help, he eventually struggled to his feet again, swaying dangerously until Martha caught him and held his waist tightly.

She was just considering the the prickling in her toes and whether or not getting to the TARDIS was a foreseeable event in the near future when the Doctor planted a sloppy kiss on her mouth.

‘You taste like vomit’ She told him, in the kindest way possible. He smiled at her, eyes out of focus.

‘I threw up a little bit!’ This, he seemed to find hysterically funny and Martha was suddenly aware of just how much alcohol he must have ingested during the course of the night. She wasn’t what might be considered an expert on Gallifreyan biology, but he seemed to be blissfully unaware of anything, or indeed anyone around him besides herself.

‘Come-on you!’ She told him sternly and wobbly weaved her way back through the crowd towards the TARDIS, holding his hand tightly as he stumbled along beside her.

‘I love parties! Love love love em! Oooh! Nibblies! He launched himself at a nearby fountain, and before she could stop him, had dunked his head in the icy water.

‘Right’ He said pleasantly, after resurfacing. ‘Tea. just the thing to clear the synapses’ And with a wonky smile started towards the TARDIS.

They reached the door, and he pulled out his key, turning to her without putting it in the lock.

‘That much alcohol is not healthy. Bit of an embarrasment, to tell the truth’ Then, clearly ignoring her protests and artful impression of a goldfish, stepped inside.


tenth doctor, martha jones, crack!fic

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