Media This and That

Apr 25, 2013 11:58

I had a flare-up today and finally started being able to move around again and I said 'nnng' and Chance raced in to check on me and give me lots of snuggles. Good dog! Though yesterday when I finished making lunch I caught him curled cozily up on my spot on the bed. Not so good dog! Just lots of flare-ups lately, plus bonus whole-leg and arm cramps ( Read more... )

reviews, health

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Comments 6

luagha April 25 2013, 20:08:18 UTC

I loved the newspaper headline that read:

Everything Awful
Oh God Somebody Do Something


flit April 29 2013, 00:50:16 UTC
Yes, I laughed so much! And many visual coffee jokes.

I'm pleased because my brain may be working better if I see the nonverbal jokes, too!


tersa April 25 2013, 20:41:50 UTC
If you like the Nero Wolfe books, I'd recommend the Nero Wolfe A&E show as well. It was very pretty, had a great soundtrack, and an 'ensemble cast' of actors who might play multiple roles across the course of the two seasons, which I found interesting.

It's one of those shows I'd like to own someday to foist off on people, but I just haven't justified picking it up yet. :)


flit April 29 2013, 00:50:53 UTC
I've seen it and it was so stylish and well done! I loved it!

Hee, the ensemble cast actually really confused me at first. "But... he's dead!"


tamago April 27 2013, 00:52:13 UTC
Water is part of a series. I remember seeing Fire when I was in college. Fire was a lot more hopeful. Water really depressed me, though the themes are similar.


flit April 29 2013, 00:51:13 UTC
I'll look for Fire. Water was brutal! But it was very beautiful.


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