(003→) FAQ and troubleshooting.

Mar 18, 2011 16:32

For those with many a-Question.

(Work in Progress):
Last Updated - 3/18/2011

Notice: If you've come to this pathetic FAQ, it's probably because you have tinkered with some CSS, but have now become confused because something went awry. This is allowed, of course, however, please do not remove the credit tags in the CSS or try to edit my basic stylesheet and then claim as your own. As long as you do this, editing is 100% allowed and encouraged.

1.) Help me with _____ coding/troubleshooting issue?
Leave a comment in the original post of the layout with which you are having issues. I don't really check my entries a lot, but if I happen to see your problem, I will definitely try to help out. Honestly, my layouts are coded pretty solidly, so if there is an appearance problem, or something has been thrown out of whack, you might want to check and make sure you installed the layout properly. If you are having problems because you are trying to customize the layout, see below.


2.) I'm trying to edit/rearrange/customize your layout, but I have _____ issue. Help?
I don't recommend editing my layouts unless you have knowledge of CSS. If you are still having problems, just do what every other layout maker does: play with it until it works. If you want to learn CSS, or think you need some references check out: milou_en_avril, The Great Big CSS Archive at tutorialayouts, The CSS Tutorial by das_porno_uke and W3Schools CSS Reference. They work wonders for me.


3.) _____ is not showing up in my journal. How do I get it to appear?
Let me introduce you to a nifty little visibility property in CSS:
display: none;
This simple command can make any element (text, sidebars, tags, calendars, etc) disappear. Just go in the code and remove this, and what you want to show up, will show up. However, it probably won't look good, so make sure you have the know-how to fix it up the way you want. Check out the reference guides in the question above for great help.


4.) How do I add a header-image to your layouts?
If I didn't put a header-image in the layout in the first place, it's not really meant to have one. However, if you think it will look good/fit nicely with my CSS, then just insert this into the bottom of the code:
.headerimage {
height: 150px;
background-image: url("URL HERE") !important;
background-repeat: no-repeat !important;
background-attachment: scroll !important;
background-position: center !important;

margin-bottom: 15px;

Change where its red to the URL of your desired header-image.


5.) I like the layout, but I want to change the colors. How do I do this?
Simple! Go into the code and find what colors you want to change in the corresponding part of the layout. (If you want to change the color of the text in the subject for example, CTRL+F "subject".) You will see the color or background color, followed by a 6 digit number called a hex code.
color: #000000;
Change the 6 digit number to the desired color. If you don't know the hex code for your color, check out this hex color code chart.


!#important, #faq, #livejournal layouts

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