(profile layout 07→) definition of domination.

Mar 16, 2011 22:59

Another day, another update. So I suddenly have time on my hands because of Spring Break, so obviously, with that comes updates galore~ good news, yes?

Order of Business:
#1 // profile layout !
#2 // a sort of (tentative) requests post for profile codes
#3 // take the poll if you haven't already, please! {here}

click here for full previews and codes

entitled (#6): Definition of Domination
tested in: Firefox, Google Chrome, Safari

A profile layout that is truly the definition of simple. I like it though, and it kind of makes me think Code Geass a little bit, haha. (Icon by acolorfulguy. Thanks!)

→ | 01 | definition of domination:

http://i52.tinypic.com/2l421h.png" />
(♛) about me.

✕ Donec dui tortor, blandit id tempus nec, rhoncus vitae diam. Donec ac dui vitae risus sollicitudin laoreet eu eget mauris. Nullam ultrices varius eros, sit amet posuere sapien tincidunt vitae. Lorem ipsum dolort amet, consect elit.
✕ Nunc eget hendrerit nisi. Donec dui massa, varius vitae hendrerit at, dictum eget ligula. Donec risus sapien, congue eu blandit scelerisque, euismod id lacus. Suspendisse hendrerit tellus quis mi commodo ornare. Donec hendrerit enim sit amet ante porttitor tempor. Proin auctor convallis leo vel tempus.

I'm always looking for inspiration! If you guys have any requests/suggestions for a direction I should take with profile codes only (for now), please fill out the form, or just skip the form and leave a comment. You must be a watcher to participate. I will try to make a profile code of anything you want (within reason), but there are no guarantees and I reserve the right to take "creative license" with any requests. Also, there are no time constraints on these; aka, they will come whenever they come (assuming they come, which honestly, they probably will).

Do you like profile codes simple, or complex?:
with icons?: (y/n)
with header images?: (y/n)
Other suggestions?:

Specific request:
How many columns?:
How many rows?:
Any particular images?:
Anything else?:

feature: various icons, #requests, theme: simple, #profile layouts

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