MMA 18: In which Ohno and Nino are conniving and sneaky and manipulative--for good, not evil.

Sep 17, 2010 14:27


September 17 is an awesome day&hearts It's special for all sorts of reasons that make my heart squeeful:

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birthdays, picspammage, arashi, mago mago arashi, clearly i need more sleep, crackdom

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Comments 58

i_am_zan September 17 2010, 19:40:03 UTC
you... You ... YOU! C'mere ♥♥♥♥♥


*HUGSQUISH* happy anniversary to you too!


i_am_zan September 17 2010, 19:51:50 UTC
I. Totally ... LOVE this MMA! It is one of the awesomest and that's hard to do as Awesome Abounds in almost every MMA!!! ^_^

I ... I have no words to say except that you are pretty wonderful yourself! And I can never say enough how much I love you! ... ^_^



flange5 September 17 2010, 19:54:21 UTC
Hey you&hearts

Happy (late) birthday&hearts&hearts

Soooo . . . if you're still awake from yesterday, does that make it still your birthday? ^_~

And thank you! It's kind of weird since the Boy is on a work trip, he's gone until tomorrow, but I just figure that that's a reason to celebrate before and after to make up for the missed day ^^;

Aaaaare you still awake from yesterday, or is this just an obscenely early morning for you? How are you feeling?



flange5 September 17 2010, 20:02:07 UTC
This MMA is pretty near my top just for the multidirectional love all over it. Nino and Ohno are adorable together, the old couple are so completely sweet on each other, the grandpa is so sly with Ohno and the Grandmother is a prankster after Nino's own heart, and the intro with the other boys is just hilarious and ridiculous.

And it seemed like the perfect one to pick for today, so I'm glad you enjoyed it&hearts

*squishes you back*

The feeling is entirely mutual&hearts


sunnydreams416 September 17 2010, 19:52:09 UTC
This was an awesome episode of MMA XD

Arashi loves their Leader more than we do ^^

Happy Anniversary =D


Well, he is pretty damn lovable, it's true ^^; flange5 September 17 2010, 19:57:18 UTC
Thank you!

And I love this episode! The old couple are so sweet together, and the grandma is kind of evil in the best way possible, and Ohno and Nino are looking really good and adorable together and even though the wedding ceremony is way last minute and kind of spartan, it seems so appreciated and sweet a gesture, and it makes me all wibbly ^_^

I'm behind on comments on the last post, but I'm running over to check out your links ^_^


Re: Well, he is pretty damn lovable, it's true ^^; sunnydreams416 September 17 2010, 20:14:19 UTC
lol no worries, the first one is kinda long but you kinda need it to get what the parody song is about ^^;; I got them from my brother who sent me a message with "got time to kill?" in the subject box...

I love MMA episodes when Arashi does something unbelievably (or rather, believably) sweet for the grandparents. It makes me all squishy inside. XD


Re: Well, he is pretty damn lovable, it's true ^^; flange5 September 17 2010, 20:33:49 UTC
Hee! I have a little time this afternoon, so I think it shall be watched posthaste, while I'm thinking about it ^_^

You know, at first there were no comments at all there, and I thought "Oh well, it seemed interesting to me," and now I'm kind of in a hopeless backlog ^^; But I'm going to see if I can catch up this afternoon, since I've apparently decided to take the rest of the day off of work ^^;

And I know what you mean! It's fascinating any time to watch the interaction between strangers of different generations and to see how differently they do and think about things, but the episodes that really make me happy are I guess unsurprisingly, the ones that, staged or not, seem to confirm my impression of 5 genuinely lovable, if not perfect, people&hearts


nepheliads September 17 2010, 20:39:19 UTC
Ohmiya in MMA makes me melt every time.

"Ohno uses her aforementioned powers of persuasion"
Freudian slip?

And who says they're not actually evil? >:D

I hope you and the Boy have a wonderful celebration. You're both lovely and funny as hell.
Happy Anniversary!! ♥♥


flange5 September 17 2010, 21:15:14 UTC

Oh wow that was a nice one! Thank you for the heads up. I think it was one of those revising in head while typing moments going horribly wrong ^^;

It's true they might be actually evil--they're sure as hell dangerous ^^; But damn if they aren't awfully squishy at the same time&hearts

Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to him coming back home ^_^ And there shall be delicious foooooood \o/


iupdarlin September 17 2010, 22:47:24 UTC
Ohmiya could take over the world on their own if they wanted to. Even though they kind of are with Arashi, but that's not the point...

Anyway, Happy Anniversary!!


flange5 September 18 2010, 04:02:25 UTC
It's true, really. Honestly, I kind of feel like any combination of two could do it, since they all are kind of amazing and complement each other in kind of crazy ways. But Ohmiya are really rather special in their synchronicity.

And thank you! It's kind of weird with the Boy out of town for work, but he gets back tomorrow and we're going to have a great time then ^_^


lockability September 18 2010, 01:54:05 UTC

And I hope you know how lucky you are, Mr. Boy. :)


flange5 September 18 2010, 04:03:28 UTC
Thank you&hearts

And I don't know; the Boy has to put up with an awful lot of boybandery . . . ^^; I figure I'm kind of ahead on that whole luckiness thing. But it works for me ^^



lockability September 18 2010, 04:54:36 UTC

"Put up with"-- psh. Nobody can "put up with" a lot of boybandery without liking it a little bit, hmm. You should rename him FanBoy. \o/


i_am_zan September 18 2010, 05:06:29 UTC
yeah I call Darian my little fanboy! ^____^ We could have a fanboy's club! ^__^


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