My brother just finished his first full year of teaching. I'm still surprised he decided to teach but I'm proud of him. He loves what he does and that's what matters. I had to laugh at him when he called yesterday
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Wooglebunker picked up last night. I saw him this morning and he was wearing sunglasses and surrounded by bras. I think there was a thong in there too. He's a chick magnet
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My new icon speaks the truth. When all else fails there's always beer. I think this is my new motto. I think I will also make it the motto of whatever the club is that we have going on on the roof. There is always something to drink up there
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I want to go bowling. Why don't we have a bowling alley in this place? I haven't bowled in a long time and I want to. There is something satisfying about throwing a ball and sending pins flying.
Sometimes it feels like there are only old people here. Is there some kind of old person convention going on that I don't know about?
Guys...I have an issue. I mean, it's a major least I think it is. To me it is. Kind of. Well, not really major but could be and it's just a bit of something that I'd like to share.