Living in the now

Mar 24, 2010 19:05

My brother just finished his first full year of teaching. I'm still surprised he decided to teach but I'm proud of him. He loves what he does and that's what matters. I had to laugh at him when he called yesterday.

Apparently a couple of kids are changing schools. They don't want to leave their friends and a few of them were crying. He is trying to tell them that there is a life beyond junior high and that they will meet new people and if their friendship was meant to be that they would find a way to keep in contact. He managed to say all of this with a straight face. That was why he called. He needed to laugh because he still has to deal with people he went to junior high with that just won't grow out of that phase in their life.

We're actually going out for dinner later. His girlfriend is being way clingy and it's driving him insane. So I am going to be the awesome big brother and take him out.

Oh, and Piyo? You might want to get your shirt out from under my bed. It is becoming a nest as we speak - rather, as I type.

family, hiyoshi

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