I love this icon far too much to be healthy

Apr 07, 2010 00:28

So I'm working away at the newest chapter of SP (yes, I promise I haven't abandoned it, despite how long it's taking to get it updated). But man, this one is shaping up to be huge and long and tedious. I had this chapter planned for five scenes, since that was the best place I could think of to cut between chapters. So now I'm in the middle of the ( Read more... )


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Comments 7

demonsayankids April 7 2010, 08:56:00 UTC
Aw, I got a mention! *glomphuggletackle*

And regarding the icon...I almost peed myself laughing the first time I saw that. Seriously, it's that funny XD

Regarding the newest chapter of SP...o.o; Holy crap. I wish I had that problem, sometimes. I can do a few chapters like that, but I get mentally pooped out so fast that I can't maintain it for a full fic...


flametwirler April 7 2010, 10:09:53 UTC
Ah yes, I'm a dork for how much I love this icon. It still makes me smile every time I put it up. *is a dork ( ... )


demonsayankids April 7 2010, 21:19:51 UTC
LOL about the last paragraph and the yelling out of 'glomphuggletackle'. XD

About Memoirs, RELAX. I'm not on a deadline. And I can take critique. Believe me. My dad is famous for it ^^; So feel free to rip apart anything you need to. Serious. There might be parts I don't change, but that might be due to it tying in with the sequel (effing sequels...). So no worries, okay? Take your time.


madmiko April 7 2010, 14:38:33 UTC
I'm feeling you on the SP chapter--that happens to me all the time with BWM. The only thing is I absolutely canNOT cut this current chapter off anywhere but where I had planned because this is the big one where I'm going to reveal the killer. At the end. And the number of scenes before I can do that keep growing as I check off all the little details I must take care of. (And I haven't updated since last summer! Yikes! I had no idea it had been that long. What a loser!)

You definitely have a lot on your plate. But I'm sure you'll get it all done. Just keep chugging along.

P.S. I love that icon, too! ^_^


lulu_42 April 7 2010, 17:14:56 UTC
Your icon is so awesome I can't even think straight!
I wish I had something so glittery and awesome.

Le Sigh.


anonymous April 7 2010, 20:40:18 UTC
Holy Crap! I'm so excited to hear about another chapter of SP. You could cut it off in the middle of a sentence and I would still be happy :) LOVE LOVE LOVE that story.


anonymous May 3 2010, 18:29:19 UTC
I can't wait until I get to read the next chapter of SP. I know it will be great! I want to know what happens next! I ADORE that story :)


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