I love this icon far too much to be healthy

Apr 07, 2010 00:28

So I'm working away at the newest chapter of SP (yes, I promise I haven't abandoned it, despite how long it's taking to get it updated). But man, this one is shaping up to be huge and long and tedious. I had this chapter planned for five scenes, since that was the best place I could think of to cut between chapters. So now I'm in the middle of the second scene and I'm on page 15. Seriously.

This is kinda absurd. I went to write a part of the scene that could have been done in three paragraphs and instead ended up with 5 pages. Le sigh.

So somehow I have the feeling this chapter is not going to get all five scenes in it. Now I just have to figure out if there's another place I can end it without it being totally abrupt and absurd. Might even end up like the last update with a chapter dump, since I might have to write out the whole thing in order to figure out where I can break it up.

Ah well.

Other things on the to-do list:
  • Finish rewrite of SP 'prologue' so that I can repost it and fix the numbering system. Mm.org is the only one that has a 'prologue' option and it's starting to drive me crazy to see chapter 25 is really chapter 24, etc. Plus it doesn't really seem like a prologue anymore, so it'll just be better all around, except that reading reviews for specific chapters will now be a bit off numerically. *shrugs* Like that really matters
  • Finish doing beta for demonsaya's Labyrinth fic. My comp decided to eat the last few chapters so I need to get that back to her before going back to the ones she's already corrected and giving them a last glance.
  • Mythfic challenge in the KakaSaku fandom. I really shouldn't be taking anything else on since I have the above-mentioned items and other fics I'm in the middle of playing around with, but I've always been something of a mythology nerd, so I just couldn't resist. I'm doing a take on the story of Pygmalion and Galatea, full of death and craziness in an oh so wonderful way. I can't tell you how excited I am for this but I'm really trying to get the new chapter of SP done first. We'll see what ends up happening.


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