Shakespeare Adaptation

Mar 02, 2010 06:04

It's finally complete! I can now melt into a puddle of utter exhaustion and pride at just having finished the dang thing! Huzzah ^_^

So here's the info:

Title: The Merry Women of Konoha
Summary: When Jiraiya is stuck for inspiration, he concocts a scheme that leads to shenanigans and misunderstandings galore. Eventually a KakaSaku but is mostly a humor piece.
Rating: T (for innuendo - honestly, it's Shakesperean humor. How could you avoid it?)
Word Count: ~ 22,000

Play adapted: The Merry Wives of Windsor
This is one of Shakespeare's lesser known plays, where an aged, charismatic knight attempts to raise some funds by seducing two rich women who hold their husbands' purse strings. The women don't take very kindly to their virtue being under such obvious attack and plan to take their revenge by turning his own plot back on him.
Wiki summary of the play here if you're interested in more background and are unfamiliar with the play.

Unfortunately I'm not completely satisfied with what I churned out. I'd wanted to include more romance between Kakashi and Sakura but not only did the play just not lend itself well to that, but when the writing took over it just pulled itself out as almost strictly a humor piece. Ah well, it's good to have some variance in your writing palatte. Now I'm just hoping it's up to standards though. (There are some seriously huge names in this contest - yikes! I'm not even talking about the competition aspect, just having my fic next to theirs is intimidating enough.) Not to mention not only is it unbetad, it's also unedited, unread, and basically untouched. This is the rough draft, spewn on paper and computer, and posted straight up. Yup, that's what I get for being right against the deadline. Hope it's not too rough!

naruto, kakasaku

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