bad!fic challenge

Apr 15, 2008 12:04

OH my goodness, this is honestly horrible, haha. I hadn't intended to write anything for this, just enjoyed the reading of all the amusing parodies, but then I came across this conversation as a result of minerva_one's bad!fic:

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bad!fic challenge, inuyasha

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Comments 17

drjmaxwell April 15 2008, 20:00:08 UTC
*thumbs up*


flametwirler April 16 2008, 00:29:12 UTC
Why thank ye much sir. I found this entirely too amusing to write, even though I may duck my head in shame now ^_-


namiyo11 April 15 2008, 20:56:02 UTC
That hurt my brain. Just FYI.

I'll second the thumbs up.


flametwirler April 16 2008, 00:19:05 UTC
Yes, it hurt my brain too. I just don't have the ability to turn off the switch ^_-


minerva_one April 15 2008, 21:16:51 UTC
wow. . . I'm glad Skye and I could inspire such. . . such a bad!fic, lol!!!

Awesomeness. I'm glad someone tackled it!!!! XD


flametwirler April 16 2008, 00:27:19 UTC
Goodness, I just couldn't help it. It was like a train wreck that I just couldn't keep from writing - and this was the restrained version! oi. I'm almost sad to have involved you in the making of this monstrosity, but oh well. bad!fic unite! haha


calophi April 16 2008, 18:57:01 UTC

Ewwww. Period sex is totally gross. XD


flametwirler April 16 2008, 19:48:24 UTC
Yeah, pretty much. I think gross and ridiculous was probably my point. º¿º


anonymous April 16 2008, 19:52:23 UTC
Dear god... this one made me laugh! I hate hate HATE it when fanfic writers try and claim that someone had a 12-18 inch cock but its all cool cause the girl they're doing can handle that sort of thing, even though she's a virgin but really, its all fine! blah I say!
wonderfully bad fanfic! typos and plot holes away!


outdoorprincess April 16 2008, 19:53:08 UTC
I wasn't signed in....go me...


flametwirler April 16 2008, 23:38:09 UTC
Hah, yeah, those also bother me to no end (I'm a realist at heart...well, most of the time ^_-). So that's one of my favorite parts - especially because someone on another community had just ranted about the use of the 'telephone pole' euphamism, let alone a 14incher, haha. (Aw dang, just thought of a good idea. Should've been 24 inches, literally impaling her and killing her. dern. haha.)Most virgins in real life blanch at the idea of a normal one, let alone those monstrosities. Whatever. But still, writing from the perspective of a 13 year old, I think my absolute favorite was when she 'organismed' from said monstrosity. :-Þ


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