meme, myself and I (and Jensen Ackles)

Jul 29, 2007 11:09

Startling discovery of the week: there is another fanfic writer with the same pseud. Or almost the same pseud, since s/he seems to capitalize, but then people usually write Torch instead of torch according to their own personal preference anyway. Feels very interesting, like discovering a long-lost twin or something. Also makes me wonder if I ( Read more... )

dark angel, pseuds, actors, memes, meta(ish)

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Comments 34

sageness July 29 2007, 09:31:05 UTC
I have a similar problem with my name. There's another person with an LJ who uses Sageness as her journal name, though her username is totally different. And there are other sagenesses on places like MySpace, etc. It makes google searches kind of a pain in the ass interesting.

Apart from that, I was the only Sage in my first three fandoms, but in SGA I seem to be one of four or five. It's very confusing, especially since people have been calling me Sage for more than ten years now. It makes me wonder if I should change my username to something entirely different. After all these years, I wonder how confused people would be...


ratcreature July 29 2007, 11:18:07 UTC
Well I think people can deal with others having the same name better than with names or pseuds constantly changing. I mean, unless you have weird and cruel parents who like to be "inventive" and "unique" you aren't likely to be the only person with your first name in RL either, no?


sageness July 29 2007, 12:36:40 UTC
*nodnodnod* I get that, it's just a little odd after so long of being the only sage in the room. :P


flambeau July 29 2007, 16:32:04 UTC
Yes, see, that's it -- confusing. Things that make you go hmm. And now I wonder, do you get a lot of people assuming that you're Sage as in rosemary and thyme, rather than as in standing in God's holy fire?

But I think it's much better to stick with the name you've had for such a long time. Being someone else all of a sudden, now that's really confusing.

(Completely irrelevant: I keep thinking your icon is a picture of a parasol.)


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flambeau July 29 2007, 16:42:03 UTC
So very totally the little black dress. He'd be a little black crossover dress, too, if the universe lent itself more readily to it, I suspect.

Also, since you said that, of course I had to google, and... that's a lot of photologthingies. ;)


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flambeau July 29 2007, 19:30:07 UTC
Eek. I am most deeply sensible of the honor, but but! *g*


vee_fic July 29 2007, 12:25:09 UTC
Not only is there another Vee in ficdom, she is in HP. Granted (a) she probably got started while I was in hiatus, writing-wise and (b) I do have a full fic name (Vehemently) and there are only so many nice little nicknames that start with the letter V. But it was -- well, at least I'll be harder to find on Google, come the revolution.

Dark Angel is terrible and someone else in fandom made me watch it. On the up side, she had two discs out at random from Netflix, and we watched both discs (6 episodes, I think), and the first three of them in a row featured Ackles shirtless. It was like all those movies when the Random Babe shows up in a bikini for no reason, only reversed! It was... a blow for feminism! Honest!


flambeau July 29 2007, 16:01:51 UTC
Well, she probably won't have a law named for her... that might confuse the issue. Although in my head you're always Vehemently -- good name, that, very memorable.

I think it would be nice if Dean took off his shirt as often as Alec did. A girl can dream. DA isn't my ideal show, but it's amazing how much fun it is when watched with the approach that you can handwave the major plot elements and concentrate on enjoying the minor characters. and their possible shirtlessness.


vee_fic July 29 2007, 19:00:49 UTC
Only the Old Skool remember the throughline of all the names. (I remembered that flambeau was your email, in the lamb-white days when fans used email to communicate with one another.) But enough people still call Vee that, when Vehemently turned out to be taken, it seemed the right thing to do.

> and their possible shirtlessness.

It is perhaps a sign of my brain-problems that the one thing I made my fellow-watcher rewind for was to listen to Alec's grammar and accent. (Considerably different from Dean's.) Okay, I also vaguely recall one of us pausing to check whether Alec really was as hairless as he looked, because, on an adult male, that is either deeply weird or "on the weekends, I do gay porn."


flambeau July 29 2007, 21:45:21 UTC
I would like to vote #2, except that if it were true, fandom would have found it by now. and plastered it all over livejournal.


z_rayne July 29 2007, 14:56:57 UTC
I think Alec should have sex as often as possible, with any available partner. Or, you know, with me. *koff* Yes.

I hadn't really thought much about Alec/Sketchy, but that'd be kinda cute. Sketchy'd be all earnest but trying to play it cool, and Alec would be all cool but trying to play it earnest....

On the other hand, if done by the right writer, Alec/Asha could be heartbreaking, as they're both just settling for something less than what they really want. Asha would be pining for Logan, biting her lip to keep from saying his name while Alec slowly drove her crazy with his tongue, and Alec would be pining for Logan er, Max...etc. *g*

Why do I not have an Alec icon. This must be remedied. In the meantime, though, Jensen looking like sex personified will do.


flambeau July 29 2007, 15:47:54 UTC
Does he pine? I'm only up to 209, and so far I would have voted him Character Least Likely To, although it's true that any other attempt at pining would probably pale beside the Olympic-level performance by Max and Logan. They make me laugh, they do. (Also, since I just saw 209, obviously Alec and Joshua are on my mind. They were so cute.)

God, your icon. That pose. Isn't that illegal? Not that I'm complaining or anything. I really wasn't using those brain cells anyway.


merryish July 29 2007, 17:01:39 UTC
He doesn't *pine*, per se, but. He acquires free-floating angst, pretty soon, and. Well, you'll see.

Personally, I think Alec is the most adorable thing in the universe, next to Dean.


Except now I'm thinking of Alec next to Dean. And that would be a dangerous, dangerous thing indeed. For everyone concerned, but especially for me, as I have now died of hotness overload.



z_rayne July 29 2007, 17:45:46 UTC
Except now I'm thinking of Alec next to Dean.

Um. Yes, I'd like a double helping of that, please.


hederahelix July 29 2007, 16:18:49 UTC
Have you listened to the commentary tracks on Dark Angel yet? If you haven't, you and Merry ought to think about it.

The best part is that apparently everybody on set is in love with Jensen. It's kind of awesome.


flambeau July 29 2007, 16:38:10 UTC
Really? Oh, I love that. hee. But I don't think we have commentary tracks, not that I would ever watch illegal rips or anything like that so I'll just have to take your word for it. (Also, full disclosure, I've never managed to listen to a commentary track on anything. Sometimes I turn them on in an experimental spirit and last for about a minute. *g*)


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