meme, myself and I (and Jensen Ackles)

Jul 29, 2007 11:09

Startling discovery of the week: there is another fanfic writer with the same pseud. Or almost the same pseud, since s/he seems to capitalize, but then people usually write Torch instead of torch according to their own personal preference anyway. Feels very interesting, like discovering a long-lost twin or something. Also makes me wonder if I should have worked out a more original pseud, back when. Is it too late to switch over and be Sparkly Unicorn Girl? If I put it off for too long I'll have to be Sparkly Unicorn Little Old Lady.

(But then, I do wonder, after five years on livejournal, am I flambeau now instead of torch? There's no real difference in my head, and I use both as chat nicks, etc, but I actually answer to torch in conversation, whereas... well, I don't think anyone's ever tried to call me flambeau.)

And while I'm on this riveting subject, tell me what you used to think about me, because I signed up for the first impressions meme, which is a meme where people tell you their first impression. of you. as you know, Bob. There's anon-enabling and all, in case you want to say you reminded me of a disgusting slug.

Merry is making me watch Dark Angel and say appreciative things about every single one of Jensen Ackles' freckles. My life is just endless pain and suffering. Mm, yes. Any time Alec has onscreen interaction with any other character for more than about two seconds, I say, "You know, they'd make a nice couple." So far, I think I've said it about Alec and Max, Alec and Logan, Alec and Asha, Alec and Sketchy, and Alec and Joshua. In time I'll probably start saying it if he's onscreen for more than two seconds with a lamp or a table or a wall or something. Hey, they'd make a nice couple, they look good together. (But really, Alec + thick wad of crumpled bills = OTP. Now that's chemistry, baby.)

dark angel, pseuds, actors, memes, meta(ish)

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