The Welcome Post: "Emerge from his world of darkness…"

Jan 31, 2010 23:01

Please join us on the fkficfest community, and begin mentioning the upcoming Forever Knight ficathon game to your friends and fellow FK fans.   We are really looking forward to getting to play FK with you all!

  • 02/18/2010: Sign-ups open.
  • 03/18/2010: Sign-ups close.
  • 03/21/2010: Prompt assignments sent.
  • 04/18/2010: Default deadline.
  • 05/08/2010: On-time submissions due. Pinch-hitter assignments sent.
  • 05/18/2010: Stories begin releasing. (This is the fourteenth anniversary of the first airing of "Last Knight" -- give or take local syndication.)

How will this ficathon work?  If you don't know what a ficathon is, check out the simple definition on fanlore.  This particular fkficfest game will be very much like the fanfiction-exchange events on femme_fic and oldschoolfic.  The primary difference is that this game is Forever Knight-only.  

In brief:   Each player (1) submits a slate of three story prompts, (2) receives a slate of three prompts by someone else in return, (3) writes one story of at least 1,000 words to fulfill any one of the three prompts received, (4) receives one story that fulfills one of the three prompts submitted, and (5) FK is celebrated and a grand time is had by all.

fkficfest players will all submit one gen (a.k.a. classic, no-romance), one pairing (a.k.a. relationship, romance) and one wildcard (anything) prompt, to give us all a variety of possibilities to ignite our imaginations and please our recipients.   Players will post their own stories to the queue.   Your mods plan to release the stories at a rate of one per day if we have ten or fewer players, two per day up to twenty players, three per day up to thirty, and so on.

(This is just a preview.   There will be a full FAQ with the sign-up post.)

Why do we need an FK-only ficathon?  FK doesn't make it to the top of the multi-fandom pile very often these days, does it?   But fourteen years out from cancellation, we still love our vampire-homicide-cop show and the wonderful friends we have made -- and continue to make -- through it.   We deserve a celebration!   What better party favor than new FK fanfiction?   Here's to FK nostalgia, and FK's future.

admin, game: 2010

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