let's do this thing.

Nov 14, 2005 17:32

Dear yuletide Santa,

I'm hoping you're not angsting over the requests as you read this. I tried to make them not too limiting but also not "Oh, I'll take anything!" because that can also be hard to work with.

I've always been of the opinion that when you've got a big fandom, the characterizations are more open for interpretations and people are constantly looking for new ways to look at characters, pairing, scenarios. But when you've got a small fandom, you need to stay closer to the canon material. And not, say, write a weird AU scenario.

So that's really all I demand. That the fic is believable and has the feel of the fandom. I think that's task enough. If the requests feel too limiting, feel free to work around them. If I said I wanted pairingfic, I can do with friendship-fic gen if it's good.

What else. Well, I hope I don't sound too demanding. I get that the fandoms I requested are mostly really tiny so just the fact that you finish the fic is accomplishment enough.

Oh yeah, quotes. Hopefully you like the source material so getting inspiration from that is a good way to get started. If the story was brought on by some bit in the original source (a bit of dialogue or something), feel free to quote it in the beginning of the story or something. I really like that. Just a suggestion, though. Emphasis on "just".

&Yeah, I like angst and teh funneh. But I trust your skills and won't ramble about the style of writing I like best. Do your thing. I'm sure I'll dig it.

Anyway, good luck & Merry Christmas.

PS. I kind of take this as a given but, uhm, don't kill anyone unless it's canon?


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