look, she updates! (quick and delish edition)

Jul 17, 2009 14:53

  • I can't get over the fact that this entry gets gayer and gayer every time I go back to look at it (JUDGMENTAL PIGEONS, YOU GUYS.)
  • Apparently I am the last person ever to know my first wife Drew Barrymore is in a movie with a damn ROLLER DERBY and Kristen Wiig?
  • How rude is it for idiots (read: me) who are late for a challenge to ask "HI. NOW, WHAT?"
  • Et ( Read more... )
  • my suckage, random, your fandom's cream is known locally, lauren graham, films, mrs. barrymore hearts the chad, gayness, bleighton

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    Comments 37

    siviusx July 17 2009, 18:11:26 UTC
    Trinity Cream?

    LOLLLL. Oh, geez. You threw that in there just for the Skins girls, didn't you? <3 <3 <3

    Bless you, Mare.

    PS: the girls in your fandom are obviously actually boning; WELL DONE, you win forever. Not that I actually want Loveless befouled by the Hobbit, but I have minority opinions on the subject of What's Hot and What's Not so whatever.


    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 18:32:54 UTC
    Hobbits do not, in fact, partake in boning, but bagging. *cue Tolkien rolling over in his grave*


    siviusx July 17 2009, 18:34:30 UTC


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    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 18:33:49 UTC

    (But I'm going to assume Lily is choking on her Holy Water there)

    lolll SkinKs


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    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 18:40:37 UTC
    Of course I saw that, I'm ridiculously paranoid of typos. Especially those that leave room for Freudian-like mocking lolol.


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    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 18:44:29 UTC
    Every time I go back I find something new edited in or in the comments, it's amazing. CLEARLY, CERTAIN PEOPLE MISSED EACH OTHER DURING BREAK Y/N? (I almost typed "during Blake" - what is it with me and embarrassing typos today? lol)


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    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 18:46:37 UTC
    Aren't they? COME BACK, JEN. WRITE YOUR SUPERHERO STUFF *puppy dog/blake eyes*


    bartzina13 July 17 2009, 22:30:37 UTC
    I love how that turned into one big party. I don't even know about the last two I edited in. The one Jen posted above is the most purely romantic shot ever taken of them. Puppy clearly took some classes from the Love Guru over the summer.

    WHIP IT! DUDE. I've been following the progress of that movie for years! I am so seeing that all over the place.

    <3 Lauren Graham is magic


    fivewhatfive July 17 2009, 23:07:07 UTC
    Exactly! I remember I was looking at it, then all of a sudden there were three pages of comments and hilarity all around. I can see how Blake's vacation really went. Learning ~erotic massages~ in Thailand, scuba diving advanced breathplay in the Maldives, and then India was a phone bill massacre.

    2:30pm: Hi its Blake. Miss me?
    2:32pm: Where r u? Dont forget me :D
    2:33pm: Im on an elephant!!!
    2:36pm: Omg I miss u so much.
    2:37pm: Srsly dont forget me.

    Then she dropped her phone and the elephant stepped on it, so they had to come back the next day due to a severe case of :(:(

    WHIP IT! DUDE. I've been following the progress of that movie for years! I am so seeing that all over the place.
    Someone put up the trailer recently and I honestly thought, "ROLLER DERBY? WHO WROTE THIS, BARTZINA?" lololol ♥

    I miss Lauren so much, I'm surviving on my stash of random interviews :(

    PS: Repeating what I told piratey above - I found my book on dog training, this will not end well.


    bartzina13 July 18 2009, 00:17:22 UTC
    Precisely, professor science! This summer was Love Stud training. Penn was obvs there to film it all so she could put together a stud training montage of her doing push-ups to build-up her arms (the better to carry kitten to the boudoir with) and jogging by the side of the road at dawn and shit so she could show it to Leighton and get super points.

    LOLLLL you know me too well. I had actually just started outlining a roller derby script when I heard this movie was going to happen, lolol.

    Lauren's interviews are such a funny, hyper, quick-witted scream.<33333

    I can't believe the stuff in that book is even real. This will lead to great, filthalicious things!


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    fivewhatfive July 18 2009, 02:35:54 UTC
    I DIDN'T LET HER GO, I JUST MARRIED AGAIN. In fact, the only time I divorced was when Ms. Lohan got on my nerves (and because irony is ironic, I had been saying things about her for years, I couldn't even believe I was right after all, AND THEN SHE PISSED ME OFF lollll)

    As a pigeon-psychic, I do observe and generally don't pass judgment on these things, mostly because I don't think anyone is straight I don't care, as long as I'm being entertained. I do think Leighton wouldn't mind dating a woman, but I also don't think Leighton ~dates~ anyone, so.

    Trivia: I am also married to Rose McGowan, but we haven't spoken a lot since that car-accident-or-is-it? thing happened to her face. Why do gorgeous women ruin themselves, Professor X? (not that I think Rose is ruined, but you get my point lol)


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    fivewhatfive July 18 2009, 04:37:40 UTC
    I'm sorry about the broken tennis shoes. You missed out on the opportunity to get rid of Kitty! Once Ms. Lohan (lol) started losing weight again and insisted on playing victim all the time instead of ~rising above~ that crap, I pretty much knew it was over. I gave her my little brother as part of the divorce settlements, couldn't be happier.

    Didn't Rose live with drag queens for some time? Automatic win. And my latin isn't brilliant, but I'm guessing glossolalia has something to do with ~tongues~ lololol. Also, no, I'm positive that poem always read "Dear Rose McGowan"

    --PAUSE: Why do Rose and Leighton have the same "Preacher" thing listed in their imdb profiles? It's a TV show, so it can't possibly be correct, but WHY?--

    --FAST FORWARD: Rose and Leighton making out on screen, Xavier and Mary turn into pigeons, then explode.--

    Okay, I need to put down the remote control. BACK TO THE PRESENT.

    Finally, I hate to post this many gifs, but appropriate L8N gif if appropriate.

    ... )


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