Quick and refreshing breakfast or snack. As much as I love smoothies, I never tried making one myself. What was I waiting for?
1 cup thawed or frozen strawberries
1 cup plain yogurt
1 medium banana (cut into smaller chunks)
3/4 cup orange juice
Throw all ingredients in a blender and blend until smooth. Our blender broke so I used a hand mixer. If you use a hand mixer, use a mixing bowl with high sides since there's some splashback. Then we split it into 2 servings. Michael found his to be a satisfying breakfast. I liked it but was still hungry afterwards. Michael substituted in 3/4 cup of milk instead of orange juice when we made them again the next day.
Was too impatient to try to get the photo just right so I just snapped a photo and then used Photoshop to substitute in a black background. Kinda dramatic, no?
Now I love smoothies and I think they're pretty healthy. What else should I mix in for smoothies?
Went to fitday.com to look up the caloric values of the ingredients. That's kind of a pain. Each serving had:
285 calories
825 mg potassium (23%DV)
2.4 g fat (4% DV)
8.8 g protein (16% DV)
1 cup sweetened strawberries 221 cal
1 cup plain, low fat yogurt 155 cal
1 medium banana 109 cal
3/4 cup orange juice 85 cal
570 cal total
Thread at cooking